To ask, or not to ask...that is the question. ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿป
So... the company I work for (I won't name names) are absolute fiends for a good old meeting. They'll sit with anyone and everyone. They're under the impression that they just need to "get in front of more people" "We'll give them lots of value!" and it's now gotten to the extent of being told to include our 6-week free trial plan into my pitch...ANYWAY
The problem I'm now running into is that my conversation to conversion rate is awful. I wish I could give you rough numbers but I can't. I'm making sure to disqualify my prospects out before moving on. For example, when someone tells me they've got a solution in place, I ask them a few questions, ask them if they think it could be better, they tell me they're very happy with it, wouldn't consider changing suppliers blah blah blah. "One last question then - even if there was an alternate supplier who was better or cheaper than your current one, you don't think that would be worth another conversation?" - Nope. Nothing. Nada. Disqualified out.
Now, when the good old management team do listen to my calls and decide to give me the classics, such as: "You didn't even ask them for the meeting...?" & "Why didn't you tell them about our free trial????" & "Why aren't you telling them that we're the better and cheaper alternative?"
Is there any point in taking a stab in the dark and asking for the meeting with a prospect when you disqualify them out thoroughly? Because even when I seem to ask the prospect in a negative spin - "So there wouldn't be any point in me asking for 15-20 minutes in your diary to show you our solution based on what you've told me, would there?" management seem to scrutinize me and tell me I'm giving the prospect a way out...
TLDR; I don't know whether I'm genuinely shit at sales because I'm disqualifying too easily and not challenging as much or as hard as I should be and I'm now doubting myself. It doesn't help that my company/management want me to book meetings with anything that moves and every single prospect I speak to.
Munro Barclay-Miller
To ask, or not to ask...that is the question. ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿป
the hang up.
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