Why you need to deal with this before the conversation can move on.
Every human on this planet as a burning desire to feel understood. Google 'mirror neurons' if you wish to find out why.
How do you make someone feel understood?
You listen to them.
How do you show someone you've been listening to them?
1️⃣ You acknowledge what's being said.
2️⃣ You label what they've said.
3️⃣ You repeat back to them what they've just said.
4️⃣ You ask them questions based on what they've just said.
5️⃣ You deal with what has been said.
That last one is very important and often ignored my salespeople. Let me explain what I mean.
Here are some things you'll hear on your prospecting calls.
💬 What's the call about?
💬 You can have 20 seconds...
💬 Can you send me an email?
In every scenario you need to deal with what is being said before you can move forward. If you don't and you ignore the prospect they're going to be pretty pissed off, right?
How would you feel if someone ignored you? Right...
Here is how you can deal with each one...
💬 - What's the call about?"
30 seconds, I'll explain what the calls about then you can decide if we carry on talking or not, sound fair?"
💬 - You can have 20 seconds
"Haha very good, I've not heard that one before. I will need 30 seconds, what would happen if I went over 20?
💬 - Can you send me an email?"Sure, I could send you an email. Before I do, what is it you're hoping I can include in that email?"
The prospect will give you some cock and bull story about who you are, what you do and some case studies. Always case studies. They don't care either way, they're trying to get rid of you.
So I'd respond with this...
"Can I ask a really blunt question, if you want to hang up I'd completely understand. Why wouldn't you want to discuss that on this call right now?"
- - -
You have to deal with what is being said.
1 comment
Callum Beecroft
Why you need to deal with this before the conversation can move on.
the hang up.
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