HOT TAKE: If you're proposal has pictures, THROW IT OUT!
So you are not going to want to hear this but....
if you're project proposal or rate sheet has pictures or slides, or is inside a PDF....
you've already lost the job.
I have won campaigns with 97 top brands including Pepsi, Google, Jeep, Hyundai, Marriott, Canon & so
many others....
and do you know what all of these projects had in common??
I won them with simple text only project pitches!
I didn't show them what my work looks like, or try and get them interested....
I did 4 simple things,
  1. I found out as much as I possibly could about THEIR GOALS & Desired Outcomes....
  2. I found out what range of budget they were working with
  3. I pitched them 3 packages that all accomplished their goals at 3 different price tiers
  4. I let them pick which package was most inline with their goals.
I don't convince, I don't beg, I don't create custom proposals....
I just go to work & see if I can help them achieve their goals.
See anything different in my approach from what you are doing?
What is it specifically?
Sawyer Hartman
HOT TAKE: If you're proposal has pictures, THROW IT OUT!