How long did you blame your parents for your life?
Okay creatorsโ€ฆ letโ€™s have a real conversation today.
Did you know that entrepreneurs commonly at odds with their parents (or once were). Does this surprise you?
As I sit here pondering on why my 18 year old has made some decisions lately, partially blaming myself for some of it, I found myself thinking about how I see my parents and how they played a role in how my life isโ€ฆ How long did you blame your parents for your life?
Itโ€™s easy to point fingers and say, โ€œIf only they had done this differently,โ€ or โ€œIf they hadnโ€™t done that, Iโ€™d be in a better place.โ€ But the truth is, at some point, we need to take ownership of our lives. Our past does shape us, but it doesnโ€™t define our future.
Many of us have carried the weight of our childhood experiences well into adulthood and even into our journey as entrepreneurs and business owners, believing that our parentsโ€™ mistakes or shortcomings are the root of our current struggles. While itโ€™s crucial to acknowledge and understand our past, itโ€™s equally important to realize that we have the power to rewrite our own stories.
Think about itโ€ฆ Holding onto blame keeps us stuck. It prevents us from growing, healing, and becoming the supermoms, powerful leaders, and fulfilled women weโ€™re meant to be. Itโ€™s time to shift the narrative.
Here are a few steps to help us move from blame to empowerment, (I am doing this right now in my own situation).
  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Itโ€™s okay to feel hurt, angry, or disappointed. Acknowledge these emotions and give yourself the space to process them.
  2. Seek Understanding, Not Blame: Understand where your parents were coming from. Often, they were doing the best they could with what they knew.
  3. Focus on Growth: Identify areas where you can grow and improve. Use your past as a lesson, not a crutch.
  4. Practice Forgiveness: Forgive your parents, and more importantly, forgive yourself. This doesnโ€™t mean forgetting, but it means freeing yourself from the chains of resentment.
  5. Create Your Own Path: You have the power to create the life you want. Set goals, take actionable steps, and believe in your ability to succeed.
So much of how and why Iโ€™ve chosen my lifeโ€™s path is because I wanted to take charge, shift blame onto me, be in controlโ€ฆ Being the best mother I can be, knowing Iโ€™m flawed, not pretending to know it all and be perfect and deciding to create my own wealth as an entrepreneur (first in my family).
So, how long did you blame your parents for your life? And more importantly, when did you decide to take back the reins and shape your own destiny?
Deahna Taylor
How long did you blame your parents for your life?