The Art of Pre-Selling > Pitch Slap
Here’s a peek inside Travis Sago’s new book on pre-selling offers. I thought I’d spread the word since I can’t put the book down!
The man is a genius at sales and marketing, thinking outside the box AND storytelling.
🔥🔥 Here’s the book intro:
➡️ I also made this interactive infographic on his 5 pre-selling P's.
Check it out! The Preselling Sandwich (best viewed on a desktop..)
What happens BEFORE you make an offer carries more weight than any sales pitch or sales mechanism!
I don’t care if the mechanism is a webinar, a phone call, VSL, sales letter or a notepad file (and I’ve sold a lot of big-ticket stuff with just a txt file).
Let’s consider the biggest ticket offer in history: The marriage proposal! … it’s usually a single sentence, spoken nervously by a dude (or dudette) on one knee with sweaty palms and their insides trembling like a bowl of Jello.
Marriage is the offer and “Will you marry me?” is the “short pitch”. Isn’t it what happened before the proposal that makes the biggest difference?
It’s what happened PRIOR to the proposal, which gets the teary-eyed “YES!!!” or a hard gulp and an uncomfortable “Oh, shit!”
Even if the “pitch” were delivered in reverse, like Yoda, “Me marry, you will!” they’d still say, “YES!”.
Now, if the person down on one knee just got out of prison, cheated on them with their sister and didn’t like puppies, NO amount of words or convincing is going to lead to a white wedding!
Now, what also would be freaky weird? Let’s imagine the first scenario where he’s PRETTY SURE what happened prior is “good”... …but our nervous dude (or dudette) skips the simple one-line invitation… and instead whipped up a 45-minute VSL (Video Sales Letter) or a 3-hour webinar with Q&A at the end.
Or maybe a 48-page Google doc for their spouse-to-be and forced them to suffer through every word before they could hear the offer.
It isn’t necessary. They’d get a “yes” without all the weirdness and struggle.
Yet, I see marketers do this all the time… create gritty friction in their sales processes – and it chases away their prospects!
They do too much convincing and complicated stuff instead of just making a simple invitation - at the RIGHT TIME!
So, if we like sales… If we like lots of sales… If we want sales notifications sliding into our Stripe, Paypal and bank accounts faster…
If we want prospects already SOLD before we even ASK…(and we DO!) We need to ASK, “What needs to happen before an offer is made?” How do we make folks want to buy before we “propose”?
Even better, can we get them to beg to buy before we even make an offer?
We can!
It’s only taken me a couple of decades. ;-)
But I’ve figured out five things that must be pre-sold before you get down on one knee with your prospects. (And don’t be surprised if they beat you to it and they get down on one knee first!)
If ya dig, go grab a copy on Amazon and let’s apply this to our 🌈 offers!
Cassie May
The Art of Pre-Selling > Pitch Slap