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n8n GPT to Sanity Studio automated workflow
After much work I was able to solve the workflow issues to have gpt generate content for your website and automatically publish to the sanity content lake. I will start working on a video about this some time this week and I will release it to youtube when I hit 50 subscribers. so come give me a little support as I start this content creation journey.
New comment 12h ago
n8n GPT to Sanity Studio automated workflow
Facing OAuthAccountNotLinked Error for the New Users
Hey there, Recently I am facing OAuthAccountNotLinked Error for new users when the new user complete their signup and tried to signin to my website InspireGem, they are facing this error. Here's my GitHub Repo Link: Please open PR on this, if you know how to solve this error for new users. P.S: Existing users is available to signin but new users are not able to do that. I tried a lots of solutions but none of them worked. Also working on these issue for about 2 weeks! Please help me.
New comment 15h ago
🛤️ Relative vs. 🏷️ Alias Paths in JavaScript/TypeScript: Which One Should You Use?
In TypeScript or JavaScript, a common question when importing components is the difference between using relative paths or aliases. Today, we'll explore the difference between: ``` import SearchFormReset from "./SearchFormReset"; ``` and ``` import SearchFormReset from "@/components/SearchFormReset"; ``` ### Relative Paths (`./SearchFormReset`) The path `"./SearchFormReset"` is **relative** to the current file's location. This means it depends on the folder structure, the current directory's depth, and the relative position between the importing file (`SearchFormReset.tsx`) and the file being imported (`SearchFormReset.tsx`). This can impact readability and maintenance as the project structure becomes more nested. **Advantages:** - Easy to use in small projects and when files are very close to each other. **Disadvantages:** - As the project grows, relative paths become complex and hard to maintain, especially if you have to go up and down directories like `../../../`. This affects code readability. - If you change the project structure, you will need to modify the import paths in many places. ### Alias Paths (`@/components/SearchFormReset`) The path `"@/components/SearchFormReset"` uses an **alias**, which is generally configured to represent the project's base directory. The alias `@` is defined in files like `tsconfig.json` or `jsconfig.json` and points to the root directory. Alias paths are especially useful when working with monorepos or when sharing common components across multiple projects. **Advantages:** - **More readability**. With aliases, paths are clear and do not depend on the current file's location. You can immediately see that the component is in the `components` folder. - **Easy to maintain**. If you decide to reorganize files, most paths won't need changes, as they always reference the project base directory. **Disadvantages:** - Requires additional configuration (in `tsconfig.json`, which we will detail below), but it is worth it for medium or large projects.
🛤️ Relative vs. 🏷️ Alias Paths in JavaScript/TypeScript: Which One Should You Use?
YouTube Channel!!
Hey all, I just started a youtube channel! I would love if you subscribed, liked, and commented:
New comment 16h ago
YouTube Channel!!
User not able to redirect to / after login/signup
See the issue and error on this: My GitHub Repo (in which you can open PR solving these error/issue): Live Link:
New comment 22h ago
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