Here's what I learned after spending $3k+ on Dan Koe & Dickie Bush. (It transformed my writing)
We all know how much value these guys give for free.
But paid?
You can't even imagine. Well... You can after reading this.
Here are the 5 greatest lessons I got from both Dan Koe & Dickie Bush after spending over $3k on their courses (that you can start applying now):
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/1/ Don't improve in the dark
This is immediately where most go wrong.
And where most quit.
It's easy to get lost thinking:
"Am I good enough?"
"Is this actually working?"
"Am I making ANY progress here?"
6 months ago Dickie introduced me to this exact system that changed my life:
Create a list for your project/goal
Every time you take an:
• Action
• Decision
Write it down.
Now you have proof that you are making progress and taking action. (keeping you motivated)
Start now.
It matters more than you think.
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/2/ Create a "Frame of consumption"
Have a conscious project, topic, or goal that you keep top of mind.
When you don’t have something to work on for deep work blocks (and no writing tweets doesn’t count), you lose motivation.
You need something to “frame” your experiences.
For example:
You are building a nutrition program.
You'll pick up on:
• Diet plans
• Calories in foods
• Other creators who have one
This means your experience and perception are directly linked to the big project you have top of mind.
So if you don’t have one. Start one.
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/3/ Original thinking VS Curation Creation
Two types of content you can create:
• Curation
• Original thinking
Both are just as valuable.
An example would be this post. It's a curation post. But I'm guessing you still got value.
Curation does NOT mean stealing.
It means - taking the thoughts of others and explaining them through your lens and perspective.
Don't be scared to reframe content you love through your voice.
Tag the creator who inspired you.
This is beneficial for:
• Growth
• Authority
• Authenticity
Both yours and theirs.
(Exactly like I did here)
On the other hand...
Original thinking is content you write from your own experience & knowledge.
For example:
• Topic breakdowns
• Deep analysis
• Timeless
The kind of content you build a routine around just to read.
This requires DEEP domain expertise.
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/4/ Don't just attack from one angle.
Most set a vague goal to "publish daily."
But that leads to publishing anything daily.
Instead, you want to touch on:
• Growth
• Authority
• Authenticity
Here's an example:
Bad way to grow a monetizable audience:
→ "I'll start a meme page only focused on growth content!"
Good way to grow a monetizable audience:
→"I'll start posting about my wins, losses, life experiences... tying them back to the skill I teach"
But how can you ensure this?
Understand: The Pillars
Growth content is how you get the numbers in
You want your content to be:
• Polarizing
• Engaging
• Reply worthy
You do this by speaking about anything relating to trending/polarizing topics.
But that's not all...
You need people to trust you
Drown yourself in a skill that:
• Makes someone money
• Improves someone’s health
• Improves their relationship life
All you need is:
1. Learn about the topic from different sources
2. Write about the most impactful parts (in your voice)
3. Do this for 3+ months then package up the journey.
And lastly:
People need to like YOU.
The one thing that can’t be copied
• Stories
• Failures
• Transformation
• Uncensored opinions
All processed through your own experience
People relate to you = People become Die-Hard Fans.
That's how you build a strong reputation that spreads your name like wildfire.
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This is my add-on to the ideas.
I want it here as it's had the most impact on me.
I used to get mad, frustrated, and stop writing all because of one thing...
I wasn't having fun.
The simple fact of being in a good mood—Improves my writing 10x.
So always try to remember...
At the end of the day - it's all one big game.
"Don't take yourself so seriously, you're just a monkey with a plan" - Naval
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• Create "growth" proof
• Frame your experience
• Understand the content types
• Touch on all 3 pillars of social growth
• Keep all the above in mind and have fun
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Thanks for reading!
If you got any value from this and want more value posts in this community, make sure to leave a comment so I know y'all are reading ;)
The more comments = The more value I'll drop here
Again, thanks for your time.
See you soon...
⚔️The X Order Team ⚔️
Euan Spencer
Here's what I learned after spending $3k+ on Dan Koe & Dickie Bush. (It transformed my writing)
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