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10 contributions to X Team
Offering alternatives in sales call
Hey Guys im doing my first few discovery calls. Im doing Coding Mentoring for people who starting their way into the tech industry. Thing is i only want to work with people who are 100% comfortable with paying me. First thing i do right now is doing a test period, where i do it for free for a month ( 4 Meetings 60 minutes each + message me when there are problems in their project...). This way i get some experience in as a Mentor and they can decide if they want to do this or not. I will eventually transfer to getting paid from the beginning, once i gained more experience. Does this make sense? I kind of just need some affirmation here. Second question would be if you Guys talk about alternatives to your service. I feel like there is a lot of free stuff out there. Especially when learning to Code. But if i would talk about alternatives i would also kind of qualify them right? Cause if they don't want the freebies i can be sure they want my service right? Again tell me if im wrong in my thinking please. Eventually i want to charge a Base Fee of 75$ per 1:1 meeting. and a 200$ base fee for the time expenditure for the time to answer questions that come over text etc. Should i start low and scale the price up with experience or just start with the high one directly. I feel like imposter syndrom is striking here and i would rather start low. But then again i don't have 10 years of experience in the tech industry... appreciate if you guys could help Henry
New comment Mar 7
0 likes • Mar 7
A marketing consultant once told me that when you make a valuable introduction between two people, they tend to associate the value created with you. I bet this abstracts to referring products too. This is also a great opportunity to build relationships for other creators. - You can collaborate with them on some content - You both create value for the people you speak with through referring one another - Clients save time searching for a solution. Everybody wins in this situation.
Do you know how to progress forward correctly?
We don't know how to progress forward. A friend of mine wanted to treat his hip pain so as all doctors do they ask you questions to learn more about it. I wanted to know how it did happen but I wish I did not because it made me laugh. He got injured not because of squatting but rather because he made the same mistake over and over again and did not seek help. His form was not that good, he needed an expert eye and not a Youtube video to correct his mistake. That made me think about the many people who need help but don't believe in its importance because they can progress alone. Learning from mistakes is a success. Those who struggle to learn from mistakes also struggle to prevent the same mistakes from occurring repeatedly. How can you progress without making the same mistake? Simple You have a system for progressing, and thankfully science did the heaving lifting for us. It is called Kolb's cycle of learning. 1. Experience 2. Reflection 3. Abstraction 4. Experimentation The Experience is all because how come you will make a judgment on something without even having Data about it. The Experience is the data. That simple. - Don't make the same mistake over and over again. - Each problem you want to solve will take several Kolb's cycles. - Focus on the Experience.
New comment Mar 7
Do you know how to progress forward correctly?
0 likes • Mar 7
Great thought here Abdel. This reminds me very closely of the scientific method: - Observation - Hypothesis - Experimentation - Analysis In fact, it almost maps directly doesn't it? - Experience -> Observation - Reflection -> Hypothesis - Experimentation (!) - Abstraction -> Analysis It is interesting that Kolb placed abstraction before experimentation, it almost feels as though he's broken out the designing of the experiment as it's own step. I get why he might do that, designing one's experiments in such a way that they are actually able to falsify or validate one's hypothesis is often overlooked. Reading this has reminded me to be more scientific with my marketing processes, so thanks for that!
Whats your niche?
Hey guys If you don't mind sharing, let's hear all the different niches you find yourself dabbling in. I'm interested in what you guys are talking and educating about.
New comment Mar 11
1 like • Mar 4
@Victor Ciubaru Mindfulness is a great technique, I use it often when I'm doing yoga or trying to get into a flow state with my work. But, I notice some get too caught up in the habit of mindfulness. If you live your whole life in mindfulness your gifts of foresight and hindsight will atrophy. Read about the twin titans Epimetheus and Prometheus and you will gain a deeper insight on this.
1 like • Mar 7
@Victor Ciubaru That is my observation of the mindfulness enthusiasts I've come across. It's a great discovery when one first comes across it though, I can't fault them for their enthusiasm.
Hey there! Welcome to the X Order Team Skool Group. We aim to turn this group into the Internet's leading community for Digital Writers looking to grow an organic following (all while making money) 🚨PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!!🚨 🚨PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!!🚨 🚨PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!!🚨 So if any of that resonates with you, you're in the right place! ~~~ If you do not want to lead a movement that leaves a positive impact on the world, then this place is not for you. But if you do, here are a few rules: - Please do not funnel, sell, or promote your services inside X Order Team. - Please do not be offensive, un-worthy, or communicate with low-quality language. - Please take your time to post high-quality posts (this benefits you as well, check below) ~~~ With that out of the way, here's how to get started: 1) Leave a comment under this post introducing yourself and sharing your biggest writing goal at the moment. 2) Then, scan through the rest of the comments on this post and reply to 2-3 other introductions you resonate with. If you haven't already, go read the mission statement about the movement we are leading together. Click here to see the full X Order Mission statement.
New comment Jul 23
0 likes • Mar 5
@Paul AWriter Welcome Paul! K-12 is a wide range of youth, I bet there are interesting observations you could make about the overall arc of development that occurs in that timeframe. I would also be curious to hear your thoughts on extrapolating that trend into adulthood. How would you recommend young adults approach personal development? Are there any broad goals to strive towards, or is it too specific to the individual to speak in generalities?
0 likes • Mar 7
@Dallas Lunsford I've heard there's beautiful hiking in Denmark. Our stories are a bit similar. I spent years building enterprise software for major healthcare systems, but found the patient outcomes data to be more and more disturbing as I helped my clients with various analytics projects. This year, I'm shifting my focus to the doctors & wellness entrepreneurs who are enacting the lifestyle transformations that actually raises people up to a high standard of health and vitality. Nutrition is a big interest of mine right now, I bet we would get along!
What actions create the biggest results?
My time is very valuable to me. This is why I often ask myself: "How does what I am doing right now advance my goals?" - If the answer is ever "it doesn't" I will immediately drop what I am doing and move to the next task. I'm at my most productive when I prioritize well. But, it's not always easy to identify the highest priority task (or even which tasks to consider). This is perhaps the greatest challenge of being self-employed. So, my fellow writers, let us contemplate this together for all of our benefit: - What tasks do you avoid? - What actions do you strive to do every day? - How do you judge what is an effective use of your time?
New comment Mar 3
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Aldrich Naturalist
10points to level up
BioMedical Engineer, Freelance Programmer, & Esoteric Yogi ~~~ I help entrepreneurs automate processes with custom workflow & analytics apps

Active 58d ago
Joined Feb 27, 2024
United States
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