Imagine working for 12 months without making any money...
That's how creating a personal brand is for most people.
Why is that?
Because they think growing an audience will make them money.
However, growing your brand to even 1k followers takes months of effort.
And there is actually an easier way:
  1. Understand and solve common problems.
Do that by asking people about their frustrations and troubles.
If you ask you shall receive.
2. Create a step by step process that solves a bundle of those problems.
This will be your offer.
Make the transformation as specific as possible.
People won't complain about the price if you make an offer that's specific to them.
3. Create content by using the pain points and desired transformation of the person you can help the most.
This content will attract leads like flowers attract bees.
4. Validate if you can help a lead through DMs
This will ensure you are talking to the right person.
5. Hop on a call with them to give extra value and make the sale
If you followed the previous steps, you should now have a scheduled call with someone that:
- Needs the transformation you are selling
- Has the determination to achieve it
- Is willing to pay and speed up the process.
Now, all that's left is to convince them that you can actually provide that transformation.
You do that by:
- Explaining exactly how you are going to help them achieve it
- Making them feel that you understand their problems
Start making money fast, so you can quit everything else you are doing to sustain yourself and go full time on your brand.
Then you can focus on getting followers and likes all you want(lol).
This is a bird-eye view of the process that will turn your brand into an asset.
If you have a skill and want to monetize a personal brand but you find yourself getting frustrated due to lack of results, comment "Me" and i will send you a DM with some extra juicy information.
Savas X.
Savas Christou
Imagine working for 12 months without making any money...
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