Your private invite to finally getting the results you deserve
A few weeks ago, a member of our paid community said:
I know what I have to do, but I struggle to do it. I'm not sure if it's my schedule, planning, or discipline that's the issue. Can you show me how you go about planning your days and content?
So I went about showing my planners, content schedule, etc... But nothing did the job.
He was still as confused.
You wanna know why?
Because systems aren't always the issue.
Yes... They are fundamental to making progress. But there's one big thing that comes before them, and applying it makes the difference between success, or failure.
Think about it...
If you have systems but struggle to use them, then what's even the point of having them?
This brings me to the main idea of today's letter:
Video Games.
Now you're probably thinking "huhhh, video games? Aren't they bad for you?"
In some cases yeah... But you're thinking about the wrong type.
The greatest shift I've ever experienced in my digital journey was realizing there’s no difference between a game like Fortnite, or a game like social media.
In the common "video games", you press a combo of buttons on a keyboard that results in the desired outcome of winning (or losing if your enemy knows better combos).
The same goes for social media.
All you're doing is learning & using combos.
You see... 90% of people are willing to spend 10k+ hours pressing the same button over & over in a video game to gain stats (or playing the same map until they know it like the back of their hands), but aren't willing to do the same for their success.
And the crazy part?
Both take just as much effort, time, and knowledge.
So from now on, I want you to adopt the video game mental model.
Let me explain...
When you play a video game, you play it for the sake of playing it right?
You don't want it to end.
You just want to play.
This is how you should approach online biz.
Play it for the sake of playing it. Stop thinking about the results. Focus purely on playing at the top of your ability.
Paradoxically you'll get more results because you'll be having more fun.
Whenever you get overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious... Think:
"How would I approach this situation if it were in a video game?"
You’ll start to enjoy it more.
You’ll have more chance of making an impact due to higher quality.
You’ll get paid more, and create better content. All thanks to one single change.
There's this quote I enjoy:
"Life is a game in which you define the rules"
- Tim Ferris
That's all it takes to win.
Because remember… The only path to failure is through quitting.
So if you have fun, you won't quit.
Now… Understanding you are playing a game is one thing… and it’s ONE BIG THING that’ll bring you huge results.
But without learning the combos, you’ll stay a noob and never make progress…
That's why Aidan, Savas, and Myself will be running a 6-week Accelerator to guarantee you get all the skills (combos) you need to go full-time as a creator (so you can spend your days on what matters most to you):
- You'll build a DM script that improves itself the more you use it, making the process easier as you go, so you can land more clients.
- You'll build what I call a BANGER offer (cool name I know) so you guarantee closing prospects the moment they read it... Yes. They are that irresistible.
- You'll understand what problem you solve, for who, and how you solve it (even if you're a beginner)
- Plus some cool bonuses you'd hate to miss out on ;)
That's a good deal if I've seen one.
Anyway, we'll drop more info on this pretty soon (in the coming week)
But you gotta be fast, there are only be 25 spots (15+ people are interested and are reading the info as we speak, demand is high)
If you wanna guarantee your spot AND get a hefty discount, reply with "Waitlist" and I'll send you the info early hehe... (discount only lasts until the 7th of June, then price goes up)
Are you gonna let another opportunity pass right under your nose?
You better not ;)
Thanks for reading,
As usual - I love you,
Euan Spencer
Your private invite to finally getting the results you deserve
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