Hey Guys,
198 membersā€”and growing.
Nearly 200 of us now, inching closer to a milestone that seemed like a distant dream when we started this journey together. Itā€™s tempting to want to rush things, but as they say: slow and steady wins the race. And Iā€™m about to show you how thatā€™s true, with results to back it up.
You see, Iā€™ve finally been convinced to do something Iā€™ve resisted for a long time: give away my best contentā€”the same strategies I use in 1:1 sessions with my clients. And guess what? It starts today.
Thereā€™s a reason this community is growing.
Just think about it: We started with 10 members, and here we are, pushing 200. Iā€™m not interested in flashy quick fixes or chasing the next "shiny object." The truth is, the slow build often yields the most lasting results.
Like a good marathon, itā€™s about pacing, not sprinting.
Just last week, a member who had been consistently working through our strategies messaged me: 30 new leads in 3 hours and another with 3 closed deals in a month, all because they applied one of the key steps we discussed in a group call. This isnā€™t a fluke. Itā€™s the result of steady, targeted effortā€”small tweaks that lead to big changes.
To take this a step further, Iā€™m adding 14 more ways to 10x your sales.
These are the exact strategies I use with my clients, and for the first time, Iā€™m putting them out there for you all, at no cost.
Youā€™re going to see the step-by-step methods that turn leads into loyal customers and double conversion rates.
The tips are live now, and I will be rolling out more details in the coming days.
Have a read and let me know if I am missing any. I guarantee these are the strategies that will get you results, even if life keeps getting in the way. Slow and steady wins, but with these, youā€™ll also win faster.
PS: If youā€™re excited about seeing how these new strategies work for you, make sure to follow this postā€”itā€™s where all updates and insights will be shared.
Weā€™re just getting started!
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Jerry O Brien
Jerry - Sales Accelerator
Jerry's Sales Accelerator 4 Scaling Tech B2B Businesses
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