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100 Offers Leads and Sales QnA is happening in 22 hours
Hey Guys, 198 members—and growing. Nearly 200 of us now, inching closer to a milestone that seemed like a distant dream when we started this journey together. It’s tempting to want to rush things, but as they say: slow and steady wins the race. And I’m about to show you how that’s true, with results to back it up. You see, I’ve finally been convinced to do something I’ve resisted for a long time: give away my best content—the same strategies I use in 1:1 sessions with my clients. And guess what? It starts today. There’s a reason this community is growing. Just think about it: We started with 10 members, and here we are, pushing 200. I’m not interested in flashy quick fixes or chasing the next "shiny object." The truth is, the slow build often yields the most lasting results. Like a good marathon, it’s about pacing, not sprinting. Just last week, a member who had been consistently working through our strategies messaged me: 30 new leads in 3 hours and another with 3 closed deals in a month, all because they applied one of the key steps we discussed in a group call. This isn’t a fluke. It’s the result of steady, targeted effort—small tweaks that lead to big changes. To take this a step further, I’m adding 14 more ways to 10x your sales. These are the exact strategies I use with my clients, and for the first time, I’m putting them out there for you all, at no cost. You’re going to see the step-by-step methods that turn leads into loyal customers and double conversion rates. The tips are live now, and I will be rolling out more details in the coming days. Have a read and let me know if I am missing any. I guarantee these are the strategies that will get you results, even if life keeps getting in the way. Slow and steady wins, but with these, you’ll also win faster. Jerry PS: If you’re excited about seeing how these new strategies work for you, make sure to follow this post—it’s where all updates and insights will be shared. We’re just getting started!
New comment 5d ago
Sales Acceleration Questions and Answers Starting in 2 hours
Hey Guys, Our weekly QandA AKA Irish Tea Time will be starting in 2 hours! See you there if you have questions or just want to say hello!
Sales Acceleration Questions and Answers Starting in 2 hours
Congrats to Jade for getting interviewed on the Skool Podcast
Hey Guys, I want to give a special mention to one of our members here in Sales Management Machine @Jade Jemma , for being interviewed on the Skool podcast! Congrats girl!
New comment Jun 27
Congrats to Jade for getting interviewed on the Skool Podcast
Member Shout Out
Hey Guys, I was just checking out the monthly skool income scoreboard. Holy Moley, low and behold there is one of our members just outside the top 10! Congrats to @Joe DeFilippo ! Looking forward to a breakdown on how you did it once you finish the month. Congrats!
New comment Jun 27
Member Shout Out
Level 3 Unlocked
Congratulations to @Chris Kulbaba , @Zofia Delauzun, @Domenico Bisceglia and @Joseph Tan for all reaching level 3 because of their posts, comments and engagements. This means they have unlocked a free 1to1 with to discuss their business. My normal consultation fee can be $100 per hour or more! Feel free to use the booking link on the side panel to book a call at your convenience. Let's grow your businesses together. Jerry
New comment May 9
Level 3 Unlocked
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Jerry - Sales Accelerator
Jerry's Sales Accelerator 4 Scaling Tech B2B Businesses
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