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Brojo: The Integrity Army

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174 contributions to Brojo: The Integrity Army
Leaderboard Results for November - Prizes!
To recognise those of you who keep this group's conversations alive, I will reward the top 10 people with a special invite to an exclusive Ask Me Anything session (live!) where each of you will get to ask me a question and I'll answer it (even if you can't make it live) The recording from this session will be made available to all Brojo Skool members! So congrats to our winners this month: @Kent Curry, @Aaron Frater , @Shane Day, @Scott Harvey, @Chris Thompson , @Andy Wallam , @Gavin Giere , @Slava K , @Hemi Rainford , and @Charan Arora Thank you all for bringing life into this group with your contributions and insights.
New comment 1h ago
Leaderboard Results for November - Prizes!
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@Jay Moore It's great to have this external recognition that I am actually sticking to my commitment to do a course for myself. That's a new thing for me, and it is valuable! Its also the group that is helping. Everyone engaging encourages me to engage.
Resources and Recommendations Thread
Hey everyone I'll pin this post as a thread we can use to recommend and request resources from each other. So comment below either with your recommended resources (e.g. books, videos, courses you found helpful - from anyone) or ask for recommendations to help solve your issues.
New comment 1h ago
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@Charan Arora A good book I have read too.
0 likes • 1h I read 3 or 5 books at any one time , but this book has been really holding me.
Unlocking Hidden Anger: The Truth Behind Emotional Outbursts
Daily Dose of Integrity Do you ever wonder why you get so angry at random times or in random situations? I will let you in on a little secret: it's not random at all. The truth is, you've been saving up your anger. You've been investing, and this is the return on that investment. You've been building up your anger. Nobody punches someone in the face because of one moment of anger. They do it because they've been building it up for weeks or months. This is how murder happens. You know when a normally sane person commits a murder, it's not because someone just ticked them off a little bit. It’s because they've been suppressing anger their entire life. So, when you catch yourself binge drinking, doing risky behaviours, shouting at people or randomly quitting things that were going well, in those angry moments of reckless behaviour remind yourself: all of this is happening because you're not being honest, you are not setting boundaries and you are not respecting yourself in other areas of life. To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:
New comment 2d ago
Unlocking Hidden Anger: The Truth Behind Emotional Outbursts
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@Kent Curry Upbringing, and very small isolated nuclear family are thins I can still get resentful about. I relate.
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@Daniel Munro Yes that true. I get a bit confused still at times. I sometimes go back to thinking any assertion makes me a bad pateiacal cis, entitled white male. But I have felt in me, and noticed in other's reactions that as I stand up for myself more that it is a good thing. It's good in manya ways, a main one being that sense of not being apologetic and weak.
You're Doing Better Than You Think: A Kind Reminder
Daily Dose of Integrity A kind person reminds you that actually, you are already doing really well. There's no pressure required. You're on top of things. A lot of people like to sell themselves a story about how badly they're doing, but often it doesn't line up with evidence. How many times have you said to yourself "I'm broke"? Well, how much money do you actually have? How come you got a roof over your head? How come there's food in the fridge? What do you mean by “broke”? Kindness isn't necessarily saying something like "Oh poor you!", that's pity. Kindness is reminding people, and sometimes challenging them, that they're actually doing all right. If you think "Oh, I'm a loser", think again: you are still here, fighting a good fight. A loser wouldn’t do that. If you are not a winner then how have you been able to survive for all of these years? A loser wouldn't be here. I don't mean to disrespect anyone who's passed away. On the contrary, I am pointing out one thing that I always keep in mind: for any living human being—suicide is an option. I'm in no way recommending it! Rather, I am trying to remind you of this: if you haven't taken that option, despite being aware that it's available, then you're a fighter! Have you forgotten that? To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:
New comment 2d ago
You're Doing Better Than You Think: A Kind Reminder
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@Daniel Munro ❤️✨Thanks, this re frame of habitual glass half empty is good for me. This helps me see glass half full, which is fairly new to me.
Fork in the Road - What's the Right Path?
I've been chasing the gold pot at the end of the rainbow. Looking to attain financial success. So, the last several years have been devoted to that. After hitting the above goal, things didn't change on the inside. It's this huge 'hole' inside that money isn't filling. Neither are other outward successes. @Daniel Munro shared a keen insight, about being 'at peace' on the inside regardless of what happens on the outside. It's based on Stoicism and living one's life on rational thinking, not the fantasies going on in our minds. It's working on one's mind and seeing reality and nature as it is, without judging. Its a tall order, and I'm far from it. As shared in an earlier note, I sabotage success and then climb out of it (Feeling unworthy of success probably causes it, and not knowing how to handle success). I then spent the next few months /years climbing out of the hole, I dug myself into. I've been working on getting myself out of the last self-sabotage trades. This time, I want to interrupt the pattern and walk away while 'all is good'. I realize that I've been addicted to flashbacks and negative emotions of feeling helpless and put myself in these situations , with persons to relive these emotions. This also is to be stopped. Journalling., reflecting on these patterns and making notes on how to handle them next time, help with changing the behaviour the next time. 'An unexplained Life is not worth living' - Ralph Walden So, I decided to go by what lights me up. It's building a personality-based business around writing, speaking. I used to run a overseas recruitment business for several years Pre-COVID. I plan to restart this business, this time with more personality, content and a business plan that will allow me freedom and flexibility to work with who I want to work with, When I want to work with, and Where I want to work with. This is a pre-cursor to the 'real goal' that I'm shit scarred to attempt. That's building a personal brand lifestyle business. That starts as a free newsletter talking about issues mid-lifers like me have around life. I don't know if I am ready to start it. I have been thinking of this for 5 years or more.
New comment 13h ago
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What am amazing place to be at. Well, it seems that to me. It seems a choice in how many ways you take on these things and start to manifest them. If it was me, I guess I'd go for revitalising an old business, as I would know it some. But that might be a bit of a cop out, a going with the known? Or it may be being sensible to do something you have done before again now. I really like the sound of you new idea. I'm a little over mid life, but not quite old timer yet, so a choose your own adventure coaching in mid life would be something I'd be keen on. So I do not mkiw which option I would pick, probably the do both. But, I'd have to make sure I didn't burn out doing too much, as I know I have that tendancy.
1-10 of 174
Aaron Frater
1,404points to level up
I am nearly 60. I am an artists, and was an art teacher. I have been in recovery a long time. I have struggled with CPTSD, ADHD for ever.

Active 1h ago
Joined Aug 1, 2024
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