Fork in the Road - What's the Right Path?
I've been chasing the gold pot at the end of the rainbow. Looking to attain financial success. So, the last several years have been devoted to that. After hitting the above goal, things didn't change on the inside. It's this huge 'hole' inside that money isn't filling. Neither are other outward successes. @Daniel Munro shared a keen insight, about being 'at peace' on the inside regardless of what happens on the outside. It's based on Stoicism and living one's life on rational thinking, not the fantasies going on in our minds. It's working on one's mind and seeing reality and nature as it is, without judging. Its a tall order, and I'm far from it. As shared in an earlier note, I sabotage success and then climb out of it (Feeling unworthy of success probably causes it, and not knowing how to handle success). I then spent the next few months /years climbing out of the hole, I dug myself into. I've been working on getting myself out of the last self-sabotage trades. This time, I want to interrupt the pattern and walk away while 'all is good'. I realize that I've been addicted to flashbacks and negative emotions of feeling helpless and put myself in these situations , with persons to relive these emotions. This also is to be stopped. Journalling., reflecting on these patterns and making notes on how to handle them next time, help with changing the behaviour the next time. 'An unexplained Life is not worth living' - Ralph Walden So, I decided to go by what lights me up. It's building a personality-based business around writing, speaking. I used to run a overseas recruitment business for several years Pre-COVID. I plan to restart this business, this time with more personality, content and a business plan that will allow me freedom and flexibility to work with who I want to work with, When I want to work with, and Where I want to work with. This is a pre-cursor to the 'real goal' that I'm shit scarred to attempt. That's building a personal brand lifestyle business. That starts as a free newsletter talking about issues mid-lifers like me have around life. I don't know if I am ready to start it. I have been thinking of this for 5 years or more.