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5th Dimensional Reiki

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73 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
Special Offer: Unlock the Dimensional Secrets of the Cosmos with Archangel Raziel: Exclusive Intuitive Attunement Plus Early Bird Amulet Reading + Report
Intuition Evolution with Archangel Raziel 🌟✨ Elevate Your Intuition Across Dimensions! ✨🌟 Are you ready to transcend the ordinary and tap into the extraordinary? We are delighted to offer you a unique and powerful Celestial Intuition Attunement guided by the enigmatic and wise Archangel Raziel. Listen to the New Insights that came through from Archangel Raziel on our GraceFull Connections call if you want to know more... But the Early Bird Amulet reading and report only lasts 24hrs!!! 🌌 What This Attunement Offers You: - Dimensional Intuition Development: Journey through the dimensions with Archangel Raziel as your guide. He will reveal the secrets of each dimension, unlocking specific intuitive abilities and powers tailored to your unique gifts. From the foundational energies of the1st through 3rd Dimension to the transcendent wisdom of the 11th, you’ll be guided to develop and refine your intuition at every level. - Divine Attunement: Experience a sacred attunement that connects you directly with Raziel, the keeper of cosmic mysteries. This profound connection will enhance your intuitive channels, allowing you to access higher realms of knowledge and insight. - Sacred Symbol Infusion: Receive powerful symbols and runes from Raziel, each designed to activate and expand your intuitive capacities, helping you perceive and interpret the hidden truths that shape your reality. - Cosmic Eye Activation: Awaken your Cosmic Eye, a higher-dimensional third eye, that will enable you to see the intricate web of magic and divine wisdom, offering you unparalleled clarity and vision. - Guided Journey to the Hall of Celestial Scrolls: Step into the divine library of the universe and select a celestial scroll crafted specifically for your soul’s journey. Integrate its wisdom into your intuitive practice, bringing profound guidance and clarity to your spiritual path.
New comment 8h ago
Special Offer: Unlock the Dimensional Secrets of the Cosmos with Archangel Raziel: Exclusive Intuitive Attunement Plus Early Bird Amulet Reading + Report
1 like • 1d
@Mary Schoenheider thank you for sharing Mary Yess the last sun flares were impacting me a lot!and moons last months also. Deep cleansing on all levels. Very gratefull we can do so this lifetime. Wishing you all beautifull transformations ❣️
1 like • 1d
@Christel Hughes yess … last months diving deep in ancestral information to be addressed❣️
🔥 Unleash Your Inner Flame with Our Sizzling Summer Sale! 🔥
🌟 Join Us in Embracing Profound Galactic Upgrades this Season 🌟 Hello Beautiful, As the sizzling summer Sun gently fades in the Northern hemisphere, a deep & potent cosmic energy is rising—a wave of transformation that invites us to journey together into the heart of the universe’s vast potential. It’s a time of connection, expansion, and the kind of soul-deep growth that we can only achieve when we open ourselves fully to the energies of the cosmos. Our Special Sizzling Summer Activations are more than just energetic upgrades—they're a gateway to profound Multi-Dimensional and Galactic transformations that we can explore together. These activations, crafted with the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube and the power of ancient Sacred Symbols, are designed to help us tap into the highest realms of our existence. I’ve felt the profound shifts these energies bring, and I know that by joining in this experience, you’ll feel them too. Pick the ones that best suit your next step into your Soulful Elevation Journey: Let’s step into this journey side by side, embracing the opportunity to unlock the deepest layers of our cosmic potential. The universe is calling us to rise together, to expand our consciousness, and to bring our highest selves into being. I'd be honored if you’d join me in these transformative experiences of remote activations. Click HERE to explore these special activations, and let’s make this summer one of profound connection and growth. With heartfelt connection and cosmic light, Christel PLEASE NOTE: These activations offered by me are Remote and done on the 7D Holodeck in a Sacred Container using the energies of Metatron's cube. They will be done on a chosen day of the week with a time of day. But you don't need to be available at that time. I can do your remote activation no matter where you are or what you're doing since it is done virtually. If you have any questions, please reach out to Gemma at:
New comment 11h ago
🔥 Unleash Your Inner Flame with Our Sizzling Summer Sale! 🔥
4 likes • 9d
@Sadie Quinn thank you dear Sadie ❣️
5 likes • 9d
@Christel Hughes ❣️
✨ Access the Cosmic Mysteries with Archangel Raziel’s Mystical Wisdom Infusion! ✨
Ready to step into the realm of cosmic wisdom? Do you feel the magnetic pull of ancient secrets and cosmic wonders? 🌌 Archangel Raziel, the Guardian of Hidden Knowledge, is calling you to awaken your inner Mystic. If you're ready for this infusion...Click ‘like’ to grant me permission for this magical infusion and let Archangel Raziel’s brilliance illuminate your path to universal truths. 🌟💫 Then put in the comments, "I'm ready to receive the mystical wisdom & unlock the secrets of the universe." It’s time to step into the flow of celestial wisdom and unearth the sacred truths that have been waiting for you in the vast expanse of the universe. With magical insights, Christel
New comment 1d ago
✨ Access the Cosmic Mysteries with Archangel Raziel’s Mystical Wisdom Infusion! ✨
4 likes • 24d
🌟💫"I Am ready to receive the mystical wisdom & unlock the secrets of the universe." 🌟💫 Thank you Christel much love ❤️
4 likes • 20d
@Christel Hughes ❣️
Releasing Inflammation & Celestial Joint Revitalization Workshop (Sun. August 25th at 1pm PT with Christel and Amanda)
Inflammation is a natural body response and essential for healing and repair when faced with an injury or illness. Chronic inflammation however can have long-lasting, damaging effects on the body that leave you stiff, inflexible and even incapacitated at times if pain becomes severe. For true relief, we must address the consciousness and conditions that are precursors to inappropriate inflammation responses in the body and that have you chronically inflamed - in pain + constriction that immobilizes your body to some degree. Then move into removing inflammation from the body and resetting it to flow Celestial Light frequencies that seek to upgrade your entire body movement and flow! Join us ( @Christel Hughes and @Amanda Hopkins ) for this empowering workshop where we'll dissolve the energetics that trigger inappropriate inflammatory responses in the body and lock in chronic inflammation that ultimately breaks down your cells: In the workshop you'll systematically work through specific joints with the support of ArchAngel Metatron and Metatron's Cube for clearings in your: - Fingers and Toes: Start with the smallest articulations, such as the joints in your fingers and toes. Visualize Metatron's Cube enveloping these joints, its patterns gently sweeping through, dissolving any inflammation. Feel a sense of lightness and flexibility returning to these areas. - Wrists and Ankles: Move to the wrists and ankles, where mobility and flexibility are crucial. Envision the cube's energy penetrating deeply, clearing away any stagnant energy or discomfort. Sense the joints becoming supple and rejuvenated. - Elbows and Knees: Proceed to the larger joints of the elbows and knees. Allow Metatron's Cube to work its magic, releasing tension and inflammation stored within these pivotal joints. Feel the joints aligning and balancing energetically. - Shoulders and Hips: Focus on the shoulders and hips, where major movements originate. Visualize the cube's patterns expanding, reaching deep into these joints, and dissolving any residual inflammation. Experience a newfound sense of freedom and ease in movement. - Spine: Address the spine, the central axis of your body's energy flow. Envision Metatron's Cube tracing along the vertebrae, clearing energetic blockages and restoring harmony to the spinal joints. Feel the spine lengthening and aligning effortlessly.
New comment 16d ago
Releasing Inflammation & Celestial Joint Revitalization Workshop (Sun. August 25th at 1pm PT with Christel and Amanda)
4 likes • 28d
@Christel Hughes I would also be happy with such a scan if posible 🥰 I did register , i think to address inflammation is a very important one I will listen the replay because of the hour diference it will be 2.00 in the morning here Enjoy ❣️
Upgrading your Psycho-Spiritual Network Workshop (Sat. Aug. 17 at 12pm PT)
At the whims of the aches, pains and ailments of your body? If you feel like you never know how your body will be feeling or what to expect with your health, it's time to dismantle the associated patterns lodged in your physical body tissues that are driving your cellular operations.: In the upcoming workshop you'll purge out 4 major false dynamics that cause your body to demonstrate paradigms of: - Powerlessness - feeling like there's no choice or 'I have no control' - Being a victim - of circumstances, your environment, genetics, and so on - Fear and Not feeling safe - feeling closed off, constricted or weak - Self-doubt, distrusting your own insight and intuition, feeling like your not your own authority These paradigms create major issues primarily with your digestion, spine and nervous system... your body reflects through these major systems that there are deeper issues requiring your attention. Join me to shift those and relieve the physical ailments that are caused by depleted flow in your solar plexus/power center: You'll experience Systemic Flow Restoration + Cellular Illumination: ~ Restore and replenish vital energy flow to the spaces of the body that had been previously blocked due to the insidious paradigms associated with the 4 major false dynamics previously listed ~ Infuse and integrate specific crystalline light energies designed to enhance lifeforce flow through Solar Plexus ~ Deepen your sense of empowerment, capacity to discern what's most aligned and in the highest good for you, and enhance your ability to trust + act on your intuitive nudges in the gut. ~ Increase and uplevel light flow through the Spine to ensure a foundation that's the ideal blend of strength, stability and flexibility! Jump in here:
New comment 28d ago
Upgrading your Psycho-Spiritual Network Workshop (Sat. Aug. 17 at 12pm PT)
4 likes • Aug 18
Hi dear Amanda I missed this WS and feel it as a big one. I can still register for what I can see? Is this then to listen the replay? Thank you . Love Ana
3 likes • 29d
@Amanda Hopkins i just signed up🥰
1-10 of 73
Ana Donne
813points to level up
I am Ana and I love to inspire people about the importance of bringing high vibes in their lives so they can start living their thrue potential! 🤍

Active 10h ago
Joined Nov 20, 2023
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