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YouTube Business Accelerator

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11 contributions to YouTube Business Accelerator
What are your YouTube goals for this week?
I'll start... I want to watch 5 of the VidSummit replays and take notes on how I can make our clients' YouTube videos even better than they already are. Never stop learning! 💪
New comment 2d ago
What are your YouTube goals for this week?
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Goals this week is to go through my watch later playlist videos related to improve my channel and delivery of videos, reignite my spark and restart editing new videos after a long break. Scripting out at least one video this week. Not specifically for my current niche (Costa Rica) but rather for our reset towards next years Pan American Highway.
VidSummit Main Takeaways
I attended VidSummit (my 3rd time in a row) last week in Dallas. Here are my main takeaways so far but keep in mind I only attended 2 talks and I won't have access to the replays for some time. - Prioritizing making connections and cultivating real relationships is still SO powerful. My first VidSummit I filled my calendar with the Talks. Derral gave me some tough love and set me straight. Now I only attend 2-3 tops so I can MEET PEOPLE. You don't gain any more value watching the talk live as compared to watching the replay. - YouTube is truly the best marketing vehicle for any business. I haven't seen anything else come close. It's not easy and that's the point. Do something your competitor finds too difficult and reap the rewards! - OBSESS over the Viewer and watch everything else just fall into place. - Surround yourself with motivated and successful people and you WILL raise your game. There will be good days and bad days but surrounding yourself with the right people will make the bad days less bad. - When attending events, take full advantage of the moment with so many amazing people in 1 place and either plan or attend meetups before the event. Note that BEFORE the event is more valuable. Planning anything for after the event isn't great as people are tired and flying home. - Localization is a massive unfair advantage to the right YouTube channel. If you can monetize a global audience, you will gain so much damn value by making your English content available to a non-English speaking audience. I'm looking at how YT Era can offer this as a service. As you can see, I've already purchased my ticket for next year. It's 'the' event of the year and the people I meet at VidSummit are second to none. I'm eager to sink my teeth into the replays!
New comment 3d ago
VidSummit Main Takeaways
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Thanks for sharing these takeaways! Very useful.
What is ONE problem if solved, would solve 100 other problems?
People always struggle with the below challenges. 1 - “I don’t have or know how to use video production equipment (editing software too)” 2 - “I don’t have time” 3 - “I don’t know what to say on video." Lack of confidence 4 - “I struggle with consistent content production” 5 - “I’m confused with how the YouTube algorithm works” 6 - “What’s my ROI? Will my YouTube efforts create lead generation?” 7 - “How do I promote videos after posting?” 8 - "My niche is too competitive on YouTube" 9 - "I don't have a large enough following to succeed on YouTube" 10 - "I’m worried about receiving negative comments or criticism." Does this cover everything? Is there anything missing? Do you have a blocker that I should add to this list??????
New comment 2d ago
What is ONE problem if solved, would solve 100 other problems?
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Very relatable. I do believe my niche is very competitive, I also believe that there are many content creators "dumping" so many stuff online that it's harder to get through in general. With dumping stuff I refer to low quality content, nonsense and/or low value. The algorithm is another thing. I binge watched countless videos on the subject, taking noted and changing videos, formats, thumbnails, titels and so on with little to no result. Not finding (the right) audience resulted in doubting my efforts or quality of work. I noticed the more I worked towards pleasing the invisible audience and algorithm, the more I was losing my passion as I was doing less and less what I enjoy doing: Content creating.
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@Andrew Murdoch I don't know if these qualify but negative results (or not the "expected" and/or desired results can influence ones trust in the progress or create doubts in the quality of their delivery/product. Another big influence and something not advised to do is comparing too much with others and then judge your own work upon their succes. A channel with 1.000.000 followers will automatically gain more view on the same video as a channel with 100 followers. Not because the video or delivery is better, yet we tempt to see it that way by just looking at the numbers.
Introducing myself
Hi there, just a quick introduction to the group. My name is Bastiaan and together with my wife we started our lives as digital nomads 4 years ago. We sold and gave away all our possessions, reducing it all to our suitcases, carry-ons and gear. Due lockdowns and all that we stranded in Costa Riva, where we have been for over 3 1/3 years now. Our YouTube channel is travel based although now focussed on Costa Rica. Currently started planning for the PanAmerican highway and with that, rebranding our channel back to a travel channel. Looking forward to learn and grow here, plus to meet and connect with interesting and like-minded people. Thanks for reading and have a great day! 😄
New comment 21d ago
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Yes and no. We decided on Costa Rica (between the first and second lockdown) as at the time there were only 4 countries with their borders still open and this one seemed the best choice, also due the opportunities in house and pet sitting. Within the first 10 days of our arrival the second lockdowns started and Costa Rica closed it's borders for 6 months. It took a long time for things to "calm down" so by that time our initial 3 months had long passed and we had already changed our travel channel to a Costa Rica travel channel and decided to stick around longer. So the first 6 months we were actually stranded, after that travelling was still very restricted and the last part of our time here until now is by choice.
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Thank you very much. You should definitely come and visit. We have travelled all over the world and I can honestly say that Costa Rica is among our top 3 countries visited. The often unique flora and fauna is simply mesmerising. Even after almost 4 years we still encounter creatures we have never seen before. Besides that of course the laid back lifestyle that we have been enjoying here. Even as a small country, it has more to offer than one can fit into a trip. Jamaica is still on our bucket list.
4 Main Content Strategies (Did you pick the right 1?)
Came across this article and it's a gem - TL;DR Why The Know Your Viewer Method is Best for You The Know Your Viewer Method is the best plan for professionals, business owners, and people who run their own companies. Here's why: 1️⃣ It uses data to help you make videos. This is good if you're busy and want to make sure your work pays off. It helps answer "Will my YouTube channel bring in new customers?" 2️⃣ It helps you make videos regularly. This is good if you have trouble making videos often or don't know what to say in videos. 3️⃣ It helps you understand how YouTube works. This is good if you're confused about how YouTube shows videos to people. 4️⃣ It helps you stand out. This is good if you think there are too many other videos like yours on YouTube. 5️⃣ You don't need lots of followers to start. This helps if you don't have many followers yet. 6️⃣ It saves time in the long run. You spend some time looking at numbers, but then you know what works. This helps if you don't have much time for content creation. 7️⃣ It helps your videos get seen. You don't have to worry as much about sharing your videos after you post them. 8️⃣ You can use it even if you're not good at making videos yet. You can get better over time. This plan doesn't address everything. It won't give you better equipment or make you feel more confident right away. But it can help you know what to do, no matter how good your videos look now. You can get better as you go. Other Content Strategies have too many problems: - Mass Upload needs too much time and too many videos. Often comes with a very high price tag! - Search & Utility Channel might be too specific and need too many videos. Being a ‘Resource-only Channel’ makes it harder getting Viewers back.  - The Home Run Game is too risky for busy people who want steady results.
New comment 21d ago
4 Main Content Strategies (Did you pick the right 1?)
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Absolutely! Knowing your viewers enable you to create content they want to watch. If you don't have those viewers yet, you can create content for the viewers you seek. But then of course you do need to know how they can/will find you or vice versa. Researching analytics is a great way to do that.
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Bastiaan Bakker
1point to level up
We are digital nomads. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to Costa Rica but will be rebranded for next years Pan American Highway.

Active 3d ago
Joined Jan 26, 2024
Costa Rica
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