I closed a deal today! I'm back baby!
Howdy, everybody! I am happy to report a #dealclosed for a $1,800 deal for covering a 2-day speaker competition including basic editing. How did it happen? I was approached by the prospect at the end of a networking mixer that I attended a couple of weeks ago. I met him on LinkedIn about a year ago, but he wasn't needing video for his events then. So how did the sales meeting go? The first meeting went well, I laid out all the options for covering his event. He had to cut the meeting a little short, so he asked me to send over a proposal. After sending over the proposal I followed up with him on Monday, and we set a follow-up meeting today, which went smoothly. I gave him 3 pricing options, and he ended up choosing the middle one. He said he could pay the deposit during the meeting so I sent over the contract and invoice and he paid it. So what now? Sometime tomorrow or Friday I'll be scoping out the venue with my photographer. The client wants me to instruct the stage crew on the lighting requirements for the video. On Friday I am joining the client's team on Zoom to get everyone on the same page. On Sunday I will be getting some b-roll shots of their informal meet n' greet. Then on Monday and Tuesday, I'll be shooting the event with my team. What was your biggest HolyShift moment, compadre? I would say the biggest #holyshift was that you must embody that future successful business owner version of you, and do what they would do. I learned you have to see rejection as redirection and adopt the mindset that everything is working out for your benefit no matter what. I put in the reps by putting myself out there with my new business podcast and going to networking events. All while being detached from the outcome. Anyway, if you have come this far, thank you for reading. Hopefully, someone will get some value from it! Thanks again for having me on the panel @Dave Lisowski & @Ceebz Gerard I really appreciate it!