Worst Skool Page EVER (converting at 31.94%)
Skool + Social Media is ridiculous. I took this screenshot just a minute ago. It's the stats for the "about" page of my free group. I blurred out the group name because I don't think we're supposed to promote our stuff in here. Anyway ... I swear I have the worst "about" page in the history of Skool. But these numbers have been holding strong all month. Plus, people have to confirm their email to join. (I accidentally turned that off last week because I'm brilliant but I fixed it over the weekend.) Zero ads, zero promotion to my email list. All the traffic is coming from Social. It's converting because of the Magic Formula below. Here is The Magic Formula: 1. Make content that's really helpful to the people you WANT. 2. In that content, tell them they can get some stuff in your group and tell them how to join. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed. That's it. Don't overcomplicate things. And don't overthink it. I'm OLD, not good looking, and CLEARLY INSANE ...and it still works.