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The Garden

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ArtFx Videography Community

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Davie's Free Ecom Course

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7 contributions to The Garden
Welcome back in The Garden
I tried a new function. It failed. Back to Skool platform. I'd love to build this out with you guys. I am looking for some moderators in the future, need to build a small team. In the meanwhile, enjoy the garden and keep the activity up like the past couple of weeks. <3
New comment Nov '22
0 likes • Nov '22
Would like to help if needed brother
Luke 1:30
- Mary surrenders to her higher calling. In 1:30 an Angel tells Mary that she will become the one that will give birth to Jesus. She responded with: "I am the Lord's servant! May your word to me be fulfilled." Surrender to your calling. Surrender to your purpose. It will come on your path. God will direct your steps.
New comment Nov '22
Luke 1:30
0 likes • Nov '22
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and He will give you everything you need. You are not the architect of your future, God is the architect of your future. Plan Christ or plan nothing.
Finding Purpose
What if your purpose finds you? What if the true purpose for you doesn't align with the earthly goals that you've set for yourself? 1. Commitment. Pick up your cross. Are you ready to commit when the vision is there? 2. Resources. What skills and gifts do you have that you can share with the world? Writing? Speaking? How are you going to serve your neighbors? 3. Intelligence. Seek counsel. Seek God and ask whether you should go to battle. I feel I am committed to start a community, podcast and create video's. Bring like minded people together. I have resources, I have learned how to speak, how to create content, how to build teams and communities. I am just waiting for God to give me the "go" signal. I need more time to truly renew myself and be ready for battle. That's why this community is still small and personal. I don't want to hype it up now or grow it when I'm not completely ready yet. But the time will come, very soon.
New comment Nov '22
1 like • Nov '22
‘Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.’ ‭‭Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭34‬
Words to choose
Words are a reflection of what's within and words also changes what's within. Words can empower, build, and create and words can also steal, mock, and destroy. Trying to be mindful of what comes out of my mouth, to speak life to others and myself. Grateful for a group with the same value, to support and lift people. Our words will create the environment around us, let’s speak life.
New comment Nov '22
2 likes • Nov '22
‘It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.”’ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15‬:‭11‬
Which book gave you the most insights?
I'll start: 1. Bible 2. Expert Secrets 3. Pitch Anything 4. 100M Offers 5. Laws of Success
New comment Nov '22
3 likes • Nov '22
Bible for real, it is sharper than the sharpest two-edged swords. It exposes your innermost thoughts and desires. The Word of God is alive, full of power. Use it as a manual and you will see how your life will change 🤞🏼
1-7 of 7
Christo Kame
3points to level up

Active 7d ago
Joined Nov 11, 2022
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