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21-Day Kick Start

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34 contributions to 21-Day Kick Start
The last 19 days
What improvements have you have made over the last 19 days that you are proud of?
New comment 2d ago
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I have learned a lot!! I have set attainable goals. I have made myself get up and work out, even on the days I didn’t always want to. I have managed my time better. I have prepped meals and ate healthier. And I have held myself accountable!
Serving Size.
Let me tell you something that’s quietly killing your progress, your momentum, and your results: serving size. I hear people say it all the time—"I don't eat much." They think they're playing it safe, sticking to what they assume are the right portions, but in reality, they're consuming 2–3 times more than they realize. Think about it. You pour yourself a bowl of cereal, thinking it's one serving. Wrong. You’ve likely just served up two, maybe three servings of cereal, and don't forget the milk—often two servings right there as well. And it doesn’t stop with breakfast. Take Olive Garden, for example. Known for their endless pasta and breadsticks, it’s the classic "all you can eat" trap. What they call a "single serving" of pasta is actually the equivalent of FOUR servings. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to start carrying around a food scale or become obsessive. But it does mean you need awareness. So how do you gauge serving sizes when you’re out living life and don’t have a label in front of you? Here are 5 quick tips to keep you on track: 1. Use Your Hand: A portion of meat should roughly be the size of your palm, while carbs like pasta or rice should be about the size of your fist. 2. The Plate Method: Divide your plate into sections: half for veggies, a quarter for protein, and the last quarter for carbs. This helps keep portions in check. 3. Read Labels Beforehand: Familiarize yourself with common serving sizes so you know what to expect when eating out or cooking at home. 4. Beware of Restaurant Portions: Assume a restaurant serving is 2–3 times larger than what you should be eating. Consider splitting the meal or taking half home. 5. Eat Slowly: It takes time for your body to recognize fullness. Eating slower allows you to gauge whether you’re really still hungry or just eating out of habit. 6. Serving size awareness isn’t flashy. It’s not sexy. But it’s the silent discipline that keeps you moving forward instead of unknowingly slipping backward. Stay aware, stay on track, and the results will follow.
New comment 7d ago
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Thank you for this Danny!
When to vice
Let's see who's been paying attention, when is the best time to eat your cheat meal?
New comment 9d ago
1 like • 10d
I may be wrong here-I was thinking within 30-60 minutes after a workout………however a trainer told me after I got my workout in and hit my protein goal for the day. ??!!
Man-I really could relate to so much of what was discussed in these videos. Some of the things I do or have done and didn’t really realize it. I love the statement Danny made that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Sundays are typically my day that I make sure all my personal stuff is done, plan my meals and look at my week ahead. I normally look at any assignments for school for the upcoming week and anything I can knock out, I go ahead do those. I do have a hard time saying no to people sometimes. I feel like I am that person people are always asking for this or that. I need to learn to put my own things first sometimes.
Proactive or Reactive?
I think I am like the majority people as Danny stated that would pick the most obvious block-important and urgent. I think if I have something in my mind that I need to get done, I consider that a higher priority. However, this also works against me sometimes because while it may need to get done, it may not be as important as what I think it is compared to other things. It also creates more. stress on me because then I am constantly worried about how I am going to get things done.
1-10 of 34
Cindy Boyle
86points to level up
I’m a mom and nursing student. I’m working on myself and trying to get in shape and build a healthier lifestyle.

Active 2d ago
Joined Aug 25, 2024
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