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You wonder why you’re stuck? It’s because you’re not being REAL about where you are right now. You can't move forward if you don’t know your starting point. Today, I’m running a no-BS coaching session, FACT MAPS, designed to rip the blindfold off and show you exactly where you stand. Want in? Hit the link below, grab a pen, turn your camera on, and be ready to face the truth. Let’s get to work. Function. Tuesday, September 10 · 11:00 – 12:00 Time zone: America/New_York Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 252-423-4163‬ PIN: ‪995 657 521‬# More phone numbers:
New comment 11d ago
Just because it's free........
Just because it's free don't treat it like it's cheap. Just because it's free don't do it half-assed. Just because it's free don't hide in the shadows. IF you are in this group it's because nothing has worked. IF you are in this group, somewhere, on some level, you know you are tired of buying your bullshit excuses. You KNOW you need to change. So, go ALL IN. Watch the training EVERY DAY! Do the homework EVERY DAY, and do it 100% Be honest, and share your wins and your losses. If you have questions, ASK. You've asked for help and here it is. Don't disrespect it by playing it small. Head down. Horns up.
New comment 26d ago
The last 19 days
What improvements have you have made over the last 19 days that you are proud of?
New comment 2d ago
If you are halfway through the challenge...
What gains have you made so far? What challenges have surprised you? What will you do to finish strong?
Mission, objectives, marching orders
Mission: Physical- lose 25 lbs by my birthday (12/21) objectives: *Soldierfit Bootcamp 3x per week/home workout x2/walking 10k steps per day *pay attention to macros *prioritize rest/recovery Marching orders: **schedule bootcamps ahead of time **get up at 4 to get to 5 am bootcamp or to do home workout **log food in my fitness pal with focus on protein, sugar intake and fiber **hit calorie goal **finish steps right after work or after dinner. **get to bed by 10 Personal- clean/organize my office space Objectives: *get rid of stuff I don’t need or use *file important items *create space for working/thinking Marching orders: **spend 15 minutes at least 4x per day cleaning out stuff I don’t need **donate items I no longer need or use **organize closet and filing cabinet so everything that’s useful has a place Professional- new position for the 2025-2026 school year (Reading/Math intervention) that does not require me to be on a crisis team. Objectives: *continue with grad program- Reading specialization *apply for intervention positions that appear in internal transfer communications *talk to current admin. about what I’m /interested in Marching orders: **update resume **continue to track and collect data to showcase interventions I have used or currently use. **schedule meeting with current admin to discuss **apply for positions as soon as they are available
1-30 of 196
21-Day Kick Start
Kick start your fitness with this 21-Day program! From the founders of Soldierfit & The Herd, designed to get you moving and losing weight, now!
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