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Freedom of addictions
I am fascinated about the keto and the carnivore diet and its benefits. And I try and try and try but can't stick to it as consequently as I would like. 3 months without carbohydrates is my goal, I want to figure it out for myself how well I could probably feel. I mainly struggle with depression and chronic fatigue. I have done many withdrawels in my life. Amphetamines were my first. Years later I went through a heroine and methadone withdrawel (which took me several tries and such as my first withdrawel a very long recovery time). About 1,5 years ago I cutted out alcohol, which was one of my easiest withdrawals although I was drinking it daily for most of my life... Three months ago I took my last Lyrica (Pregabalin) Tablette (on which I was dependent for the last 10 years to menage my anxiety). I slowly feel a bit better and more actively again but for sure I don't run on 100% by now. From my experiences such withdrawels cause me at least 6 months of extremely low energy/motivation and depression. My following goals are: quitting nicotine again quitting caffeine (I tried it once and failed horribly, it's much harder than I thought it could be) But let's start with cutting out carbs for at least 3 months (or maybe for life) 🙂🙂 I hate addictions, they rob me of my freedom. I want to get rid of them all, no matter how many times I fail and fall and have to try again. I know it's freaking worth it!!
New comment Oct '23
5 likes • Jul '23
Keep. At. It. You can do it. I believe in you. Your a winner !
Catching up
I am over 30 days sober now. I am loving how I feel and all the support I am getting. Thank y'all so much.
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Jul '23
Keep. Rocking Donna
Recidivism, Counting Sugar-Free Days and the Zen of Sugar Detox…
From The Meriam-Webster dictionary: Recidivism: a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior… We get asked all the time… (in addition to: “Do I have to do this for the rest of my life?”) “Do I have to start over counting my days if I slip?” In this world of tracking everything, knowing how long you’ve been “off” something you have deemed harmful to you… is a big deal. I’m sure it originated with the alcohol and nicotine/tobacco quitting programs. Where your “clean or sober” time is meticulously tracked, and you have defined bragging rights… “I’ve been sober X years” or “I haven’t had a cigarette since January 1st, 2001…” Heck, I’m just as guilty. When you’ve been sugar-free for 34 years, you get a lot of Wow’s! And Really’s? ...It feels good. But with sugar, especially in the early days, we find it might be a stumbling block to long-term success to focus on counting your days… First off, with cigarettes and booze, you can - “put the plug in the jug” - meaning avoid the stuff altogether… BUT... With today’s food supply having 75+% of it tainted with sugar and having to eat three times a day - you have to let that tiger out of the cage and walk it three times a day. See the difference? We have been training our emotional management systems to get that dopamine hit (and about a million other feel-good chemical manipulations) since birth via sugar. It’s genuinely a different deal. But we’ve found that after a couple of “slips” (more on those in another article) folks feel like they have failed and seem to fade away and give up. We know this because folks come back all the time and tell us! Personally, back in the day, when I quit sugar, it took me almost two full years to get 100% abstinent. From the time I became aware and started to try - to the time I was successful was a long time. Back then, there was no one to talk to about this stuff... So how have we avoided that in our successful folks? How do you stay on track?
New comment Jul '23
Recidivism, Counting Sugar-Free Days and the Zen of Sugar Detox…
2 likes • Jul '23
Great. Info. Mike …..Thanks for taking the time. To lead and guide. Us. Lost sheep and. Baby sheep we will follow the Shepard
Hi there!
My bad sugar habit is flavoring the coffee creamer for my caffeine fix. I do good avoiding soda but there always seems to be something sweet begging me to taste this. I’m looking forward to this journey and with your help, we’re all going to succeed!
New comment Jul '23
0 likes • Jul '23
Keep. Trying. And. Welcome
Excited to begin this new chapter of my life!
New comment Sep '23
3 likes • Jul '23
Welcome. And. Keep trying !
1-10 of 19
David Bobbie
78points to level up
Sugar addiction kills people! I’m sad I’m not beating my sugar addiction…so sad Military veteran Binge eating. Dad of 5. Sugar owns my ass and brain

Active 111d ago
Joined May 28, 2023
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