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10 contributions to Provision Academy
ASC Vision Mentorship, a journey of discovery
In 2020 a DP friend of mine and i were having a conversation about how to grow up learn more and also the right time to get representation. During that time he advised me apply for the ASC Vision mentorship program. It gave me the boost and confidence to do so. As i believed i wasn't up to that level. When i got the letter saying i didn't make it, i kind convinced myself i wasn't good enough and my body of work obviously was not on par. I stayed away from it and just went on work and work but realized i wasn't doing it with the right energy in mind. This year out of the blue another DP friend told me she saw the program was opening soon and she felt like i should do it. At first i was reluctant and realized i still didn't want to face another no. But as i made a deal to myself that i can't back down from 2024 is a year of facing challenges staying out of any comfort zone i applied again. And she was on the process with me all along, discussing with me every piece needed to be submitted. It was a real game changer and when i was done with the process, i ended up telling her how wonderful she has been and the challenge to produce and update everything needed put me at piece. So much at peace i didn't care about the end result as i felt i grew and moved on. The reason i'm sharing this, is i want to believe it would help someone may be in doubt and also again 2024 goals is me being out there and sharing, staying real about my journey. As a 44 years father still struggling to make a decent living from it, i'm working on it. But will no longer pretend it doesn't bother me sometimes. Yesterday i received the 2024 submission letter from the ASC vision mentorship program, and i got in. It might not be anything, but being the first from my country to be part of it, it carries another weight especially when sharing my journey back home and helping the coming generation. You probably heard it before, but nurture your inervoice, struggle and pain are part of life, but as a step to reach peace and comfort.
New comment 16d ago
1 like • 20d
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 congratulations brother!
DIFFER Entertainment: Undoing The First Blockbuster
Groundbreaking for its time, the first Hollywood blockbuster, "The Birth of a Nation" (1915) popularized techniques that shaped modern filmmaking, such as cross-cutting, close-ups, and large-scale battle scenes. It was one of the first feature-length films to become a huge financial success, showing commercial opportunity to build an industry around an effective artform. Whether deliberately designed or coincidentally included, "The Birth of a Nation" promotes several prejudices that crystallized the public opinion of Black men as predatory, incompetent, unintelligent, subservient, and overall inferior. Inspired by the film’s depiction of the KKK, viewers joined the Klan in record numbers leading to a boom of domestic terrorism across the United States. The film exemplifies how storytelling can perpetuate thoughts and systems but also inspire ACTION IN THE REAL WORLD. Media shaped by unethical narratives underscore the urgent need for filmmakers who prioritize healing and empathy. Our goal is to craft narratives that challenge prejudice, elevate perspectives, and promote understanding. Now, more than ever, the industry must commit to stories that build bridges rather than deepen divides. And in an age where A.I.(fueled by the available media) is poised to teach our children, we should prioritize creating media that undoes any narratives of fear & misinformation that hinder the evolution of our collective consciousness.
New comment 14d ago
DIFFER Entertainment: Undoing The First Blockbuster
1 like • 20d
Beautiful insight. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏾
Prepping 3 cameras
On any feature, tv series, commercial, etc. Most of the time, there is prep. This is where you make sure the camera and all accessories work. You check the lenses to make sure that they are sharp at 3',6',9',12' and on long lenses 30', 70'. Make sure that you have the right settings. By this time, you already have communicated with the DP what are his/her/they desired settings. Wireless system works etc. Yesterday, I was prepping 3 Arri Mini LF by myself. I spent two days through email trying to explain to the production supervisor that it is impossible to prep 3 cameras by myself. There is always no money to get another 1st or 2nd ac at the prep. My strategy is to reply in an email and include the UPM, Producer, DP that there will be a delay because I was short staffed at prep. This is a promo for Disney. So, there is a pre light day with a lot of down time. However, as a key 1st AC;I always try to get my crew the proper time (and money) to get their camera and work station ready for the shoot days. P.S.: The B 1st and 2nd ac came to the prep to get their camera ready. I am still working to get at least the B 2nd ac to get pay for the prep yesterday. Stay tuned
New comment 17d ago
1 like • 20d
Thanks for sharing all this. It’s definitely a struggle. Sounds like you’re the right one for the job 👌🏾
📍Start Here
Hey, Hi. Hello! & welcome to the Provision Academy. The goal of this Skool community is to connect and guide aspiring filmmakers with valuable industry knowledge gained over a decade, while bridging the gap between mentorship and resource accessibility to help filmmakers build sustainable careers and gain recognition in the film industry. Start by checking out these links: 1️⃣ - Classroom 2️⃣ - Provision Roadmap 3️⃣ - Our Mission 4️⃣ - Resources Let's start this journey together! Drop a comment below to introduce yourself. Share with us: 1. Your name 2. A challenge you're facing, a goal you're aiming for, or the transformation you're seeking. Looking forward to meeting you all in the comments!
New comment 11h ago
📍Start Here
0 likes • Jul 20
@Jordan Oram ooooweee…here for it!! 😄
1 like • Jul 29
@Maria Joyette Wow, I love this. Super powerful. Excited to see and watch it all unfold for you 🙏🏾
Embracing Creative Freedom: A Personal Reflection for Freelancers
Hey PA's I just finished listening to a very powerful podcast that inspired me to reflect on the challenges we face as creative freelancers. I wanted to share some insights and encourage a conversation about how we can better support ourselves and each other in this journey. Unhealed Wounds and Cultural Pressure Many of us carry unhealed wounds from our past that influence our present behavior. Culture often promotes unhealthy work habits, glorifying perfectionism and relentless hustle. It's important to recognize when these pressures are affecting us. Reflecting on times when I've been excessively hard on myself, I've realized how detrimental this mindset can be to my well-being and creativity. (specifically when it comes to my work) Excellence vs. Perfectionism There's a significant difference between striving for excellence and being a perfectionist. True excellence comes from within and doesn't require sacrificing our mental health. Perfectionism, on the other hand, often leads to burnout, stress, and a constant feeling of inadequacy. We must remind ourselves that our worth is not tied to our achievements. Embracing Peace and Grace Finding peace and extending grace to ourselves is crucial. I've learned that we need to validate ourselves, not rely on external accomplishments for self-worth. Taking time for rest and self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for sustainable success. By embracing grace, we allow ourselves and others the space to grow and make mistakes. Here are some steps I've found helpful in maintaining balance: - Set Realistic Goals: Break down big projects into manageable tasks. (try starting with the "WHY NOT" Workbook) - Prioritize Rest: Schedule regular breaks and downtime. (fomo is real, but so is the peace you need to continue) - Stay Flexible: Be open to adjusting plans as needed. (listen to all the feedback shared online and offline from your peers) - Self-Care: Engage in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body. (this is why i Run)
New comment Jul 31
Embracing Creative Freedom: A Personal Reflection for Freelancers
0 likes • Jul 29
Thanks for sharing Jordan. I’ve incorporated, newly for myself, a “why not” mentality to the ideas I’m creating right now for our next series/project (my wife and I have found a lot of joy, and inspiration and excitement in taking on short-form serial content for production company - I’ll share more about that in the near future 👍🏾) and it’s been quite liberating actually just from asking that question and reassessing our creativity and our creative choices from that context 😄👊🏾 #whynot???
1-10 of 10
Dustin Warren
39points to level up
God & Family first. Director & DP.

Active 5d ago
Joined Jul 16, 2024
Los Angeles, CA
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