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5 contributions to Deal Boss Project
2024-10-14_Calibration Monday: Unlock Data Mastery & VA Outsourcing Secrets to Skyrocket Your Real Estate Success!
🔥 The Most Important Lessons From Our Latest Training 🔥 2024-10-14_Calibration Monday_Data Talk and Outsourcing VAs (You’ll want to save this for future deals... trust me!) 👇 Let’s dive right in: 💡 Data is KING 💡 If you’re not tracking your leads and their details, you’re leaving money on the table. 🔍 Correct Phone Numbers = GOLD Every correct phone number is a potential deal. Keep stacking them and watch how this compounds. 📊 1 Million Correct Phone Numbers > $1 Million Cash Sounds wild? Think about it: The more correct contacts you have, the more opportunities you unlock! You’re literally building a network of opportunities. 💡 Virtual Assistants (VAs) are your Time Machines ⏳ Stop wasting your own time on calls that don’t convert. Let your VAs do the heavy lifting! Train them right, and they’ll generate leads while you focus on the BIG moves. 📈 Hiring Hack: Hire smart, not fast. It’s better to find VAs who align with your goals and hustle. The right ones will help you scale faster than you ever imagined. 💡 FOLLOW-UP is your Money Maker 🗓 Fortune in the Follow-Up: 80% of deals happen after the 5th follow-up. Stop giving up too early! A missed call today could be a closed deal next week. Keep hitting them with texts, calls, and reminders. 🚀 Leads Die if You Let Them: If you’re not following up, your competition is. Automate your follow-ups, but make sure they feel personalized. 💡 Know Your Buyer 🏠 Buyer Avatar: Get crystal clear on WHO your buyer is. Are they investors? Families? High-income earners? Know their pain points and tailor your offers to solve their problems. 🛑 Common Pitfall: Most investors chase every lead. Don’t do that! Stick to the ones that match your criteria. Your close rate will skyrocket when you’re precise.
3 members have voted
New comment 2d ago
2 likes • 2d
These are great reminders of best practices! "Momentum is EVERYTHING."
📞 Turn Cold Calling into a Breeze: Unlock the Secrets to Getting Real Results Without the Pain! 🚀
💡 The Power of Taking Action with Less Stress See how Dustin effortlessly made 170 calls on Day 1 and avoided the struggle most beginners face—all by following a proven, simplified process! 📊 Get Laser-Focused Without Overwhelm Discover how our intuitive KPI Dashboard does the heavy lifting for you—spotting trends, identifying opportunities, and optimizing your strategy so you don’t have to. 🔄 Auto-Replace Bad Numbers in Seconds! Forget the manual work! Our system automatically replaces wrong numbers, keeping you focused on building real connections with zero tech headaches. 🎯 Avoid Wasting Time on Dead Leads Follow a step-by-step system that shows you exactly when to push forward and when to move on—eliminating time-wasting calls and boosting your confidence. 📌 Label & Move on Faster Use our streamlined “Human Connected” method to classify calls the right way and keep your CRM clean—without a second thought. 🔥 Handle Rejections Like a Pro—Without Burnout Use simple tonality tricks and pattern interrupts that keep sellers on the phone longer and make awkward cold calls feel like natural conversations. 📈 Compounding Results Without the Effort Master a consistent, easy process that compounds results over time, so your efforts snowball without requiring more of your energy. 🚫 One-Click “Do Not Contact” & Blacklist Say goodbye to double work and confusion—protect your list quality by removing dead leads with a single click. 👥 Track Your Progress with Ease Stay motivated with a built-in tracking system that makes hitting targets feel like a game—not a grind! 🤔 No More Guesswork with Wrong Numbers Quickly handle wrong numbers and improve your list quality automatically—so you stay focused on what matters: closing deals. 🔗 Boost Your Energy, Boost Your Results! Use our mobile calling app to walk and talk—keeping your energy high and making every call more engaging. Ready to say goodbye to cold calling dread and make it effortless? 🔗 Click here to watch the full lesson and experience the easiest way to connect with sellers and close more deals! 💼💥
New comment 8d ago
📞 Turn Cold Calling into a Breeze: Unlock the Secrets to Getting Real Results Without the Pain! 🚀
2 likes • 9d
As a stoic cold caller in another life, I gotta check this out- wonderful how tech is helping cull through calls more efficiently!
1 like • 8d
@Dustin Bowles Like the clean, systematic way you have which looks like would beat autodialers we've used. (I still fantasize about working every business that has a door in a zipcode with a report on the first 100 that may or may not foreshadow what's ahead. When I do so, my first objective is to get a name, best time and means to contact and name of the gatekeeper. If I get to speak w/ the decision maker or get a barometer reading of potential need/interst from gatekeeper, even better.) Yet I have no plans to be doing this again soon thanks to webinars. Following Russell Brunson, our webinars are "one to many presentations" which leverage our time with those who are coming to know and like us enough to show interest in our offer as we continue to build trust.
🔥 How to Evaluate a Deal in 2 Minutes or Less! 🔥
🚀 Just received a lead from another investor? Before you dive in, here’s a quick and dirty approach to find out if it’s worth pursuing. 📈 🔍 In this lesson, I show you my secret to comping a property in less than 2 minutes without diving into complicated analysis. 🏠 👉 You’ll discover: - How to instantly identify red flags like auction dates and foreclosure indicators that most investors miss! - A step-by-step breakdown of how I check property values using free tools like Zillow, Realtor, and Redfin 📊. - The exact calculations I use to determine if a property is over or underpriced (and when to just walk away) 🏃‍♂️. - The most important factor to consider when reviewing a lead to avoid time-wasting rabbit holes 🕳️. 💡 Plus, I reveal a surprising “deal breaker” that only experienced investors catch. ➡️ Ready to learn why a lead that looks good on the surface can be a hidden headache? 🔗 Watch the full lesson now to see how I did it in real time! #comping #Quick&Dirty #Underwriting
New comment 9d ago
🔥 How to Evaluate a Deal in 2 Minutes or Less! 🔥
1 like • 9d
Looks like a great process! I love North Carolina, but with the recent hurricane’s unpredictable path, I’m a bit wary about heading there this weekend.
The Journey To Freedom Is . . .
Whats Up Everyone! I wanted to drop a little story and lesson me and Lori learned in our simple journey. I remember looking at the success of others and feeling like I just suck. Im just not good enough. But I really wanted to fire my boss. lol. You probably know what I mean, right? I remember texting Lori a material list that my contractor crew needed for a rehab. Then her texting me back while she is at Lowes asking, "Whats this .... ?" I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a woman... 🙏 The journey is tough and if anyone says its easy... Just smile and move on because its NOT...However, it is worth every sacrifice. You know when you do something really hard and while your doing it you feel so so bad.... But after you finish doing the same... NOW THATS THE GREATEST FEELING IN THE WORLD! Our Biggest enemy is actually 2 - Its #overwhelm & #shinyobject If you have seen my posts recently, thats what I am on a mission to help the community with.. 👉Heres a Straightforward plan for you to start: 1. Focus on ONE marketing Strategy at a Time 🧠When you’re starting out, it’s easy to get distracted by shiny objects and new tactics. My advice? Master one strategy first. Whether it’s wholesaling, flipping, or buy-and-hold, get really good at one thing before expanding. Consistency is key—stay focused, and the results will follow. 👉 For me, I Flipped, and built my portfolio.. I would flip 2 homes and the flip and keep the 3rd. 2. Build Relationships, Not Just Deals 🤝Networking isn’t just about finding the next deal; it’s about building a community. Reach out, connect, and genuinely help others in the group. Share your wins, your struggles, and your knowledge. The best opportunities often come from the relationships you cultivate, not just the properties you find. 👉 HONEST TRUTH, I absolutely SUCK at this.. and now I am trying to Skill Stack on how to connect with other investors.. I have never liked the JV model because I know how to close and generate my own deals. - building relationships takes time and its amazing on our Pace can pull someone up and increase their popularity like Rocket Fuel.. Thats a Blessing.
New comment 15d ago
The Journey To Freedom Is . . .
3 likes • Sep 15
@Eric Howell As great as your post is, taking three kids that age to Lowe's surpasses it!
1 like • Sep 15
Love those values and creativity! My parents kept us busy thinking, "the family that slaves together, stays together," though now my 86-year-old mom jokes she "created monsters" and reminds us to "have fun." But we turned out alright—none of us went off the deep end, and all four of us with spouses still enjoy gatthering to chow with Mom!
Where were you on 9/11?
Today is a Day that I feel has been forgotten. A day that is not talked about in school. A day that lights the fire in My blood. A day that makes me proud to be a American Patriot! A day that makes me reflect on how I am raising my children. A day that makes me afraid for the present times that my kids are growing up in and most of all the future they will raise a family in. Place God in the center of your life and never listen to the propaganda. We all know wrong from right. Where were you on 9/11? #debate #KamalaHarris #DonaldTrump
New comment 22d ago
  Where were you on 9/11?
4 likes • Sep 12
May we never forget! I was on my way home from the gym and couldn't believe what I heard on the radio. Turned on the TV to make sure I wasn't hearing a sequel to "The War of the Worlds" 1938 broadcast by Orson Welles that created widespread panic. What I'll never forget is the sense of unity felt as our office volunteered that morning to help out at the local blood bank. While such widespread unity would eventually dissipaite, it's sorely needed today. What will it take for our nation to remember and live the truth "United we stand, divided we fall"?
1 like • Sep 12
@Eric Howell Absolutely! Anything worthwhile requires work. And among the most successful, it's included setbacks. Resilience is going to be more necessary as we become "more resourceful than our resources" as Bari Baumgardner says.
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Dwight Hunsaker
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Empowering business coaches to get seen, known, liked, and trusted through powerful sales funnels. Let’s connect and achieve something great together!

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Denver, Colorado
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