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New Classroom content: Excel Press Pulse Insanity!
Initial calender deadline: 15.9.2024 EDIT: V 1 1 changed mebendazole dosing and protocol, 10-40 mg per kg ADDIDTION: We will of course change the protocol up when Dr. Seyfried releases his protocol study, which he often talks about in current interviews. That paper should be released soon. So I sat down and properly looked through all the information on hand, especially Dennis Stacey Protocol and case study. I / we also have some connections to egyptian and middle east labs and doctors (who want to stay anonymous)... ... this is the result: The Press Pulse Protocol V1, both in Excel and PDF. Errors are to be expected, though, doublecheck everything yourself: Information, calculations, formatting. To be found here: There is minimal food advice in there though! This is more like for your personal schedule planning as well as being able to give something to your doctor so he knows what the plan is! The focus is on the substrates to go along witht he HBOT. DON-Cost calculator included! You HAVE to put in your personal weight in kgs though, to get the proper amounts! The yellow fields are the personalized ones. " A comprehensive sample Press Pulse protocol with the substrates and dosages. Information based on Dr. Seyfrieds concepts, books, studies, case studies, member information, labs and oncologists practicing - and using this kind of protocol right now with great results :-) It comprises 4 cycles with 3 weeks HBOT+ 2 weeks of taking a DON break each, all in all 20 weeks. NO MEDICAL ADVICE :-p Make sure to fill out the bodyweight, and at least the GKI field for tracking what is going on. Meal frequency and total calories are optional, but should be considered for testing and calorie restriction / fasting tracking. "
New comment 6d ago
New Classroom content: Excel Press Pulse Insanity!
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@Johnny Rockermeier hi, some remarks on your comment: cited from Dr. Seyfried "Oral administration of MBZ (50 mg/kg mixed with sesame oil) in syngeneic and orthotopic glioma models in adult mice significantly extended" so definetly a dose given to mice, not in humans. Second: I would never suggest researchers are "not that stupid" Third : "I can not comment on the worst the desease, the higher the dose as I can not quantify" You are rigth about seven, but the other factor is surface. I think it needs to be worked out in more detail, any volunteers?
0 likes • 10d
@Johnny Rockermeier I found additional information, statiing 40-50 mg/kg day is possible I am sorry for confusion.
Hi my name is Gido (real pic and name ...) and I am from Netherlands. I a 55 year old and have NEC, a very are form of cancer. NEC means Neuro Endocriene Carcinoma, it started in my colon and is now in my lymph node in the neck. Until now I had some surgery and Chemo, I feel healthy and can work, however I expect bad news from my last FDG-PET Scan, regarding metastasis. Therefore, I did 21 day water fast, with 450 mg membenzadol during 5 days. I am already on Keto, and will try to make higer levels membendazol. I hope Keto and membendazole can help, on this rare type of cancer. I wish you all the best!
New comment 10d ago
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Yes it is very rare. Feel free to contact me anytime. I hope best for your father!
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@Candy Shackelford Thank you!
DON - supply & cost???
I see Den Stacey was able to get DON. Does anyone know in what form he got it and how much it cost? I see he took it orally 4 times over a 2 week period 0.2-0.4 mg each time. I have found that for those companies prepared to sell it for research purposes it is still very expensive for minuscule amounts. Like anywhere from AUD $113 - $350 for 1 mg. So I have a few quick questions for anyone who knows a bit about this: 1.What form are you guys hearing that you can get it in ? 2. How much is it? 3. Are people administering it themselves ? 4. Any other relevant info Thanks :)
New comment 11d ago
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@Johnny Rockermeier I am planning to buy it there as well. Also I am planning to have purity test by independent lab in Netherlands. After all, as all others here I do not have luxury to see if it works. What are your thoughts on this?
0 likes • 11d
@Carrie Angel I am very interested in you findings, please let us know!
Can you take don via a capsule in rectum?
I apologize upfront for the is not the most tastfull one. However, what do you folks think would it be a good idea to put don in a capsule via rectum? I think it will be taken up very fast and efficiently in the blood.
New comment 12d ago
DON Authentification
I am in the process of sourcing DON from a distribution company in USA. I asked the for a Certificate, and got the Certificate of Analysis which shows country of origin: China, and Certificate is produced by the same Chinese company (see attached). Should I request a third independent party Certificate? If they don't have it, should I accept what they have? Thank you
New comment 18d ago
0 likes • 18d
Hi Dimitri, I am looking for an independend test laboratory in the Netherlands. In my opinion, you are right about third party certificate.
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Gido Van Tienhoven
39points to level up
I am 55 years old, and suffering from very rear Neuro Endocrine Carcinoma

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