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Can I get fembendazole on my own?
Anywhere in New York? Or online?
Looking for don (not contaminated etc). The one Seyfried uses.
I've searched and couldn't locate a way to obtain it Thanks for any leads.
Question re pulse
This video may have been shared before, I just listened to this video twice. And now I feel more clear about adding the glutamine inhibitor portion of this press protocol. So to be clear, there is more than one option for pulsing, and we need not apply all of them. Correct? It is sufficient for us to apply even just one pulse component? For instance, either HBOY, or DON, or Fembenzadole (?) And we do pulse only when our gki is below one? And for how many days do we do the pulse? This part of the post protocol is not yet clear in my mind. In this video Seyfried mansions Alicia Halikas. Has anyone here consulted with her? What was your experience like? Were you satisfied, or not? I am somewhat of a slow learner, due to my TBI, but I am learning bit by bit. All of you who are sharing on YouTube and on this platform are a Godsend ❤️ Thank you all so very much!
Question re pulse
Supplement / Drug Poll: What do you suggest?
So as the basic information in the classroom is halfway done, on what other compound shall I focus to go into deep research on? Asked differently: Which compound do you think will bring the most "bang for your buck" when curing cancer? If available, post some research on the substrate, humans studies in vivo would of course would be best, although they won't be without soc / will not have been made with the patients in ketosis, I guess. So, what is your favorite? :-p
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New comment 2d ago
Fenbendazole question
I just started taking fenbendazole 5 days ago. I read somewhere that it's best to take with a meal. But another reading said it wasn't as effective that way. Does anyone have a recommendation as to their own experience taking it and suggestions? My dosage is 222 mcg. Also, I'll be starting up another water fast. Would it be more effective taking it during those days? Would love to hear everyone's thoughts.
New comment 2d ago
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We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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