Regarding those that work for the net work
First, I would like to start off by saying the brand manned network has the best marketing network on the Internet. If you were an independent artist, the way Sean and Cory have everything set up makes it hard not to see improvements if you follow the steps. Being a completely blind artist with limited money, having access to some of the information out here and being able to connect with people as vastly improved what I’m capable of getting done. I’ve made long-term relationships and friendships through this platform. I wish I had a lot of money so that I could just pay the Netwerk to handle my marketing, but that ticket is out of my reach at the moment. In my particular situation, I don’t get one of those $1500 a month disability checks I make a little over 800, I am a single father raising a little girl and use what I have left over for Music stuff. Before I was blind, I was always a do it myself person because not only could I quickly learn and adapt, but there’s some slight enjoyment from setting up anything from an account, analyzing data, etc. it’s actually kind of fun. Now a while ago I made a post and some of the responses were not what I considered very encouraging or helpful. One of the commentors was a member of the net work and told me to book an appointment with them, I was looking for someone to give me a one time walk-through via screen sharing software on how to set up a campaign for Google Ads in regards to in video advertisements. I wanted to go through this process in real time with somebody so that in the future if I have an assistant or somebody helping me, I can accurately guide them through the process and make sure all the right things are being done. I messaged this gentleman and expressed that I didn’t want to be sold anything or have to pay for anything to figure this out because that’s not what I was looking for. The reason I responded through a message and may have sounded a little irritated is because the same gentleman during a marketing call responded to my comments about my plan for a recent release I have coming up. Part of my comments were that I was lining up this project with sink licensing and his remarks made it seem if I didn’t have the mental fortitude to know what I was getting myself into. It came off as insulting to say the least. The language in my opinion used felt like a tactic that might work with somebody who really doesn’t have self-confidence but I’m a pretty confident person when it comes to doing something. I figured the tone of my voice might’ve indicated my discomfort with that exchange and the call ended on a good note, but that Energy rubbed me the wrong way. That’s the reason why I responded to this particular user in a message. This person then went on to take offense to the fact that I assumed booking an appointment cost money, and that he only wanted my money when in reality, he was just trying to reach out to book an appointment to help me which I admit, making an assumption on my part, made me look like an ass. If that was indeed true, it was just trying to help but during this exchange, he began ridiculing my financial situation, calling my money, Little etc. after a few exchanges, I apologized for the misunderstanding, but remained adamant that if someone was wanting to help, and I was trying to get this particular type of help for free, then telling someone to book an appointment with them without clarifying that there’s no cost to that can come off the wrong way to an individual. I’m not against spending money where it’s needed but like I said with my situation every move I make has to really count. This individual then again appeared in the comment of a post I made recently, and responded to another gentleman, but the wording of the post was again almost insulting, and nature stating that some artist need to humble themselves and pay for help. This just seems offputting seeing as how the Brandman Netwerk has built itself on independence and yes you can pay for services that you need to progress yourself but the independent you can do it yourself aspect is still there. The post I made, the responses that I had gotten to it as of recently, didn’t even directly addressed the information contained in the post so that response being like that again just seems very negative. I’m a part of this network because I want to learn more and I want to have as many skill sets and understanding of platforms etc. for myself so that during this time that I don’t have the money to just pay for the services which would make my life easier, I can put in the work and do it myself. I can also come up with new ideas and possibly find new innovative ways to go about things by asking all these questions, and having conversations with other members. Like I said this community has a lot of great people. I enjoy the marketing calls. I enjoy the topics of discussion in the forum. This is one of the only websites I regularly check each week. I’m continuing to share information I come across, want to start sharing articles and not just different general discussion topics but I do want to address that the gentleman I’m speaking of needs to just take a moment to consider the way he words things. People like me can take that type of energy the wrong way and it might work for certain situations, but that doesn’t work for me. I’d rather not this gentleman comment on anything in regards to stuff that I post because I do not feel comfortable with the energy being given out. Not everybody is going to get along with each other and perhaps we could work together in the future or get this resolved but I just wanted to clarify my stance on that particular situation and also praise the network for what it’s provided me. I’m sorry if the grammar and punctuation in this post is all over the place I’m doing this through voiceover and it gets to a point where I am not going back to revise edits on some of this stuff. Once again, thank you everybody and have a great weekend.