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I need your help! is happening in 3 days
New Level Reached!
Level 7 in the game! Where’s that fire emoji already? 😂
New comment 2h ago
New Level Reached!
Weekend Plans
What is everyone doing this weekend? My wife is out of town watching her neice so I will be at home working! How about you?
New comment 2h ago
Weekend Plans
What is your ideal way of making money?
Over the years, my answer has changed quite a bit...I thought I was going to be a professional reseller for awhile. I had fun with that and made money but it's not my ideal way to sustain myself. I thought I was going to start an Amazon agency, helping people sell better on Amazon. I found out that isn't very fun and is just as much work as selling for yourself on Amazon... I started selling for myself on Amazon and I still do today, but I realized how much I hate running an e-commerce business.. Logistics, operations, manufacturing, marketing, etc. I thought all of these were going to be my ticket to riches! They certainly helped, but I learned what I don't want to do... I started doing real estate about 4 years ago and I found out that it's what I love the most. I love taking an ugly, beat-up property, and making it nice. There's something about taking something that was once neglected and giving it the attention and love it deserves. I discovered Pace Morby just a few months ago and what I've learned since then has blown my mind. The first 3.5 years I was moving at at turtle pace and for the past few months I've been moving exponentially faster. I can't wait for the future! I still have my full-time job helping brands sell on Amazon. That job sustains my family and other businesses, but real estate is the long-term plan... What about you? What is your ideal way of making money? Is it a job? A business? Are you still figuring it out?
New comment 3h ago
What is your ideal way of making money?
Love Mondays! What is your game plan?
What are you doing today that is setting you up for an awesome week?? Let's beat the Monday Blues and show it what we got! I have one day back at my store, having a massive clear out and cleanse. Then travelling halfway up the country on Tuesday to stay in a hotel (oooh fancy!) for a whole company conference Wednesday 🥳 I'll have a few days with family and then will be setting up for a string weekend of sales, reaching out to all my leads and closing some deals
New comment 3h ago
Ai for Light Novels
We gotta make an Ai that can turn light novels into cool anime just by reading it!!
New comment 3h ago
Ai for Light Novels
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The IRL Game 🌎
🌟 The IRL Game is a self-development story mode game where YOU are the main character. 🌟
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