Read this is if you want a simple sales flow for getting clients online.
Getting clients online can be complicated... or it can be simple. Which do you prefer? Personally, I prefer when it's simple. So here's my super simple "Ultimate Sales Flow" that I use, my clients use, and YOU can use to make $5,000 - $100,000/month as a contentpreneur with a HT coaching offer: Step 1: Upload Content to YT, FB, IG, or Linkedin and pitch a free thing like an ebook, mini course, etc. Step 2: Give them the funnel link for your free thing. Example here. Step 3: On the 'Thank You' page of your funnel, invite them to your Skool community with a headline that reads something like: "Thanks for downloading _____. It will be in your inbox in 5 minutes. Don't wanna wait 5 min? Get it *here* instantly!" *This links them to your Skool community. Step 4: DM them as soon as they join your Skool community to find their main problem(s) & pitch them a free 10-15 minute call if you think you can help them. Step 5: Have that free 10-15 minute call with them to see if you can work with them and then offer them a longer call where you can go into more depth with them to show them a potential plan of action. Step 6: Have a free 60 minute call with them to show them your potential plan of action. If they like what they see, offer them your HT offer to help them implement on it. If they say "no thanks", that's fine. You can then offer them your LT membership instead. Step 7: Work with your clients to get them implementing your solutions so you can get them results ASAP to fulfill your promise while building a collection of success stories. This Ultimate Sales Flow works because it starts with you giving away something of value for free, and then finding out what someones problem is... and then showing them how to solve it... and then (only if you KNOW you can help them) offering to help them implement it for a fee.