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Entrepreneurial Onions

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39 contributions to Entrepreneurial Onions
Your kids are watching
They are paying attention to what you do. Do you exercise? Do you talk to your kids about it? Do you show them? Today my son asked to go to the gym to exercise “to be healthy.” He wanted to learn about all the equipment and how to use it. He wanted to “sweat” because he associates that with exercise. His favorite was the treadmill! He asked me to start waking him up in the morning to exercise with me. Do you exercise with your kids? I also had him clean ;-)
Your kids are watching
Start your business with your 401k Tax Free!
Do you know there’s a vehicle to use your 401k to start a business? It’s called a Rollover as Business Start-up, usually referred to as a ROBS account. I have one entity set up in this structure. Quick points: 1) Makes sense to have $50,000+ because attorney fees will be about $5-7k 2) must me a C-Corp 3) can’t buy real estate that you or family live in. 4) when you exit/sell, your money “goes back” into the 401k 5) can’t be a RothIRA 6) can’t be with the company that the 401k is with or over a certain age Have you heard of this investment vehicle?👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Start your business with your 401k Tax Free!
Let’s talk taxes
Those who know me best know this is something that fascinates me! Obviously my daughter wants me to learn more! Just started this one from Maximilian Camino. it’s unlike anything I’ve read on the subject. How well do you understand your taxes? @Anirays Camino
Let’s talk taxes
Entrepreneurship: Perseverance
This is a call back from a LinkedIn post earlier this year but it’s relevant as we start thinking about 2025. My son had a moment in his swim class that made him cry and he didn’t want to go back in. What would you tell a child (yours or another) who is hysterically crying and doesn’t want to go back and try? Now think about that as things get hard about reaching your goals and pushing through the mundane. What will you tell yourself? I was proud of him when he got back in the pool and he had his most productive swim class yet! Doing big things is scary & doing the small things to get there are hard (and sometimes super boring). What are your scary goals? What are the boring steps to get there? I’ve been focusing more on steps vs the goal lately.
New comment 3d ago
Entrepreneurship: Perseverance
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@Andrew Sheridan I agree with the mundane! Although I’m trying to use this approach with my weight loss goal of focusing on micro-goals (eat less than 15750 calories per week). Focusing on goals vs “movement” is great! I had an old boss who was more interested in effort than outcome. I like that approach with scary goals!
1 like • 3d
@Emmanuel Dammy you’re welcome!
Doubling Down on Self Awareness
This book’s focus is about doubling down on your strength. While I believe we need to do the things we don’t want to do, I strongly believe in this approach. This is an ok book. It’s worth a read but there’s a lot I would put in front of it. It does have an evaluator in it to help hone your strengths. I think it’s helpful for self-awareness. What do you think about doubling down on your strengths?
New comment 3d ago
Doubling Down on Self Awareness
2 likes • 3d
@Emmanuel Dammy nice!
1-10 of 39
Jacy Everett
23points to level up
Investor, business owner, franchisee, sales & marketing executive, energy efficiency, Babson MBA, husband, father of 2, fitness & outdoor enthusiast!

Active 5m ago
Joined Jul 11, 2024
Quincy, MA
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