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Owned by James

AI Community Builders

Private • 187 • Free

Launch a profitable Skool community in 30 days. Automate your setup and scale effortlessly with our AI-driven tools and expert guidance.

AI Growth Academy

Private • 109 • Free

Scaling 6 & 7 Figure Businesses with Intelligent Automations - Master AI-driven strategies to get more leads, add more value & streamline operations


AI Automations by Jack

Private • 1.7k • $50/m

The Skool Games

Private • 19k • Free

Audience Conversion Academy

Private • 98 • $4,999/y

Community Creators Club

Private • 1.9k • Free

The 100

Private • 87 • Free

The Growth Club

Private • 91 • Free

Skool Community

Public • 140.9k • Paid

The Growth Notes Newsletter

Private • 523 • $3/m

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Private • 12.7k • Free

19 contributions to Skool Community
Skool Speedrunners Announcement
Ladies and gentlemen…. IT’S TIMEEEEEE! The 100 Skool Speedrunners challenge kicks off tomorrow. Out of thousands of applicants, 100 Speedrunners have been emailed an exclusive invite to join the challenge. During this challenge I'll be helping these people rapidly grow their Skool business with what we've seen to be the best model. For those who didn’t get an email, the good news is you're not out of the game. Over the next 90 days, I'll be sharing everything we learn. This isn’t just about the chosen 100—this is about lifting everyone up. All data and results will be made public. So even if you're not in the initial 100, you're part of this. You are invited to challenge yourself and Speedrun alongside us.
New comment 46m ago
Skool Speedrunners Announcement
3 likes • 23h
The Boolean Rule
/ˈbo͞olēən/ A binary variable, having two possible values called “true” and “false.” 𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛 Wtf does that mean, and why am I bringing up? When I started my online business I made VAGUE offers to a VAGUE group of people promising to solve a VAGUE problem. I made no money. When I promised a specific person a specific outcome, marketing and sales became easier because the offer was more attractive, and customers were more happy because it was obvious when the outcome was fulfilled. Boolean offer examples: Before: "To get in shape" After: "To bench 225lbs" Before: "To beat bad habits" After: "To never smoke a cigarette again" Before: "To reach their goals and fulfil their dreams" After: "To get a girlfriend in 90 days" Before: "To fix their sales problems" After: "To get a 35% close rate" Before: "To beat procrastination" After: "To get 4 hours of flow state per day" Before: "To feel more fit and healthy" After: "To feel zero lower back pain" Before: "To overcome addiction" After: "To completely stop drinking alcohol" Before: "To improve themselves" After: "To meditate, read, and journal everyday for 90 days" Before: "To make more money After: "To add $3,000/month in profit"
New comment 24h ago
The Boolean Rule
3 likes • 3d
This is gold
Why You Should NEVER Promote Your Free Community
(And what you should do instead)
New comment 7h ago
Why You Should NEVER Promote Your Free Community
1 like • 3d
I recently realised this myself (well someone did it to me actually on LinkedIn). They did the whole "comment blah to get X" and I did BUT they made me signup on their community to get it, which I also did
Daily Routine for Skool Owners
When I started my Skool I had no idea how I should be spending my time. What tasks should I do? Where should I focus? So many things to do, but not enough time in the day. It felt overwhelming. But after consuming a lot of Hormozi content I started to develop a daily routine that helped me grow my group to 12,300 members and do a launch that generated $120,000 in 10 days and a consistent $10,000/month in Skool affiliate revenue. // → Part 1: The 3 Hour Rule ← Spend the first 3 work hours of your day on generating traffic. Your time is valuable. If you spend it on the wrong things, it doesn’t matter how hard you work. Block the first 3hrs of your day to the one thing guaranteed to grow your business: letting people know about your group. // → Part 2: The 5-9 Rule (For those that have a 9 - 5 job)← If you have a 9-5 job, follow “The 5-9 Rule" - Work 5am - 9am on getting traffic, before your job starts - Work 5pm - 9pm on getting traffic, after your job finishes // → Part 3: The Rule of 100 ← If you don’t know how to increase traffic, follow “The Rule of 100” 1. Ads: $100 per day 2. Outreach: 100 per day 3. Content: 100 mins creating per day 4. Engagement: 100 comments per day And only pick 1 traffic source. "7 figures is just one avatar, one product, one channel" - Hormozi // → Part 4: Calls and Customers ← Priority 1: Group Management and Customer Success The best way to grow a business is by never losing a customer. If you add 100 new customers a month but lose 99 of them, it will take forever to grow. But if you grow by 10 customers a month, and keep all of them, you will grow 10x faster. That’s why you need to do Customer Success. This applies to a free group and a paid group. Think posts, courses, comments, calls Pro tip - if you treat free members like paying members they'll become paying members. Priority 2: Sales Calls The most powerful metric for business success is the number of Sales Calls booked. Open your calendar to Sales Calls outside of the first 3hrs.
New comment 1d ago
Daily Routine for Skool Owners
20 likes • 12d
We really need a better set of reactions. “Like” doesn’t really do this post justice. This is SUPER high value stuff. Will be sharing this within my communities as well. Thanks Kirby
2 likes • 7d
@Andreas Lehner thanks for the shoutout 😁
Biggest Lesson From Hormozi 1-Day
The winners of July Skool Games flew to Vegas for 1-Day with Hormozi. I spent 8 hours at the 1-day, this was my biggest takeaway: Every paid community can make roughly 2.5x more money by turning on annual payments. // Here's 7 reasons why (according to Hormozi): 1. Higher Cash Flow “Annual payments boost upfront cash flow by 2.5x compared to monthly” - Hormozi Example: Offering a $1,000 annual plan instead of a $100/month plan generated $20,000 from 20 annual buyers upfront, versus $8,000 from 20 monthly buyers. 2. Improved ROI Window Annual billing gives a 365-day window to prove ROI, as opposed to monthly where results must be justified every 30 days. Example: A customer who might cancel after a few bad months is less likely to do so with an annual plan, where they see the value over a longer period. The results in month 1 can justify the whole year. 3. Reduced Churn Annual billing leads to lower churn and higher retention (2% for annual vs. 10.7% for monthly), keeping customers longer. Example: Companies saw 4x lower churn with annual plans based on ProfitWell data. (Skool will have specific churn data once Annual has been out for longer) 4. Increased Lifetime Value (LTV) Charging more upfront increases LTV. Example: If your average retention is 3 months, then each member at $100/month LTV is $300. By charging annually you increase retention from 3 months to 12 and improve LTV to $1,000. 5. Ad Profitability Increased upfront cash flow from annual memberships allows for more aggressive advertising and higher ad spend, making your ads more profitable. Example: A business that 2x-ed cash flow through annual sales could reinvest the funds into more ads, scaling faster. 6. Easier Upsells Customers are fractal. 20% have 5x the buying power as the other 80%. Annual buyers are more likely to spend more and upgrade to other higher-ticket offers. They are your most valuable customers. Nurture them. Example: Offering an annual plan with exclusive bonuses led to higher upsell rates into VIP programs and events.
New comment 3d ago
Biggest Lesson From Hormozi 1-Day
7 likes • 7d
Sharing with my community 🙏
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James Killick
5points to level up
I help Founders scale by implementing AI, designing custom automations & innovating through digital products. Free tools in AI Growth Accelerator

Active 53m ago
Joined May 14, 2024
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