How to not reply to Solicitors in SMS
We have it setup to DND once the bot knows it is a solicitior. I can't get the prompt to work where it does not reply to the solicitor. It takes about 2-3 minutes before contact marked as DND and the bot replies before then. Here is that part of the prompt if it helps: * Solicitations: Please reference the knowledge information labelled: "Example Messages from Solicitors". If someone offers you any of these services it is a solicitor: Marketing service, Generate leads, Accounting services, Financial services, financing, Legal services, Google ad services, Advertising, SEO, Training and certification programs, Recruiting services, Hiring services, or offer any business services EXCEPT a home service such as painting, flooring, design, cabinets, countertops, tile, drywall, texture, windows, doors, and stairs. The solicitor may ask you questions such as, May I talk to your shipping manager? or I want to talk to the marketing department. IF lead is confirmed as solicitor update Custom Field to "Solicitor" into the system by calling the function: 'updateCustomField' with key: 'lead_type ' and then DO NOT RESPOND. IF THEY ARE A SOLICITOR, DO NOT SEND A REPLY.