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The Unshakable Man Program

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8 contributions to The Unshakable Man Program
Welcome to Season 16 Gentlemen & Happy New Year!
β€œThe problem in most situations is not a lack of calling; but a fear of responding to the call.” - Michael Meade Men in The Unshakable Man Program: We are beginning another seasonal process. Use this post to follow along in the program over the next 3 months. Every season is another invite and opportunity to discover and refine this mastery practice of becoming an Unshakable Man. To new men WELCOME! To returning men Welcome! We begin by answering the call! This is something we must learn to do. To men outside: Click here to schedule a free purpose and power session to explore joining the program. For men in the program > Getting Started START > Week 2: #Week 2: Returning To Practice Gentlemen - share your experience from week 2 below. Follow along in the program for each weekly theme and embodied practice. I'll follow up with each of you to schedule our self-leadership assessment. REMEMBER: NONE OF US HAVE TIME. WE ARE ALL HIGH-ACHIEVING MEN WITH RESPONSIBILITIES, CHALLENGES, TESTS, & ANXIETIES. THIS WORK IS MEANT TO INTEGRATE INTO OUR LIVES. THIS IS OUR UNSHAKABLE MISSION. WHEN IN DOUBT, REACH OUT, AND WE WILL FIGURE OUT HOW TO INTEGRATE THIS WORK INTO YOUR DEFAULT LIFE AS IT IS. Wednesday Group: @Christopher Wilson @David Shepherd @Daniel Wayne @Alok Singh @Kyle Melchior Thursday Group: @Christopher Wilson @Kevin Jackson @Mike Messersmith @Jim Burke @Matthew Wayne @Isaac Bauer @Israel Waldrop Welcome - First Group 3/14!!!! Not committed to a group: @Faris Oweis
New comment Jan 17
1 like β€’ Jan 7
@David Shepherd Your description of the Self really resonated with me, as I feel glimmers of something similar when I'm able to just let go, breathe, and stop running. I call it a form of primal love. Just wish it was there more often. Your post was raw, moving, and beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.
2 likes β€’ Jan 16
Welcome to the journey. The road isn't easy, but you're on it like me and other guys are. Don't get discouraged. Keep at it!
My Breathwork Experience
This Jim, checking in--- This morning (Tuesday), Chris Wilson texted me and invited me to join him in some online breath work. I have done this several times since last April's retreat. Chris is a good, experienced guide, and I feel quite safe in his hands. Guided breathwork can be intense, as it compels your frontal brain cortex--where your emotional armor resides--to take a break and allow you to see and experience what's underneath. I have found looking under the hood not always to be easy--fragments of past memories, feelings of guilt, shame, even fury from incidents in my past. When I first experienced this, I was profoundly shaken at how much emotional "stuff" was circulating underneath my conscious self. Having now lived a fairly long life--I'm in my late sixties--I have had plenty of time to build up a thick coating of emotional armor. And let's face it....armor is sometimes very necessary in order to basically survive and help others in their lives. My armor helped keep me gainfully employed for four decades in the cutthroat corporate world. It also allowed me to be the rock my mother needed me to be as my father spiraled into alcoholism and mental illness. It also helped me to cope when seemingly everyone around me was dying of AIDS in the 1980's and 90's. Never, ever let them see you cry. But that same armor can also be suffocating. We men just love to bottle up our feelings so we can look "strong" or "tough". Armor will do that for you. But I've discovered as you age, cracks develop in even the thickest of armor. Seemingly innocuous events or something harmless someone says can trigger ugly memories and even uglier emotions from things that happened long ago and had hopefully been forgotten. My somewhat contented(?) retirement has been plagued by these triggers, as old demons seemed to want to claw their way back into my consciousness. I have witnessed many people on their deathbeds being consumed by such demons, and I didn't want to be one of them. This is the main reason I was drawn to The Unshakable Man movement.
Being Unshakable
Guys I wanted to share an experience I had over the weekend and what I uncovered about being unshakable. My wife was in a funk (sad) all day Sunday and Monday (don't need to go into details on that it's just for perspective). In the past I would fall into the sadness momentum and do what I could to "fix" the situation. Instead, through my work with Chris, I was able to put into practice the things I've learned in this work. I allowed my wife's sadness to impact me and empathized with her, understood that wasn't mine to hold onto and took care of myself with that understanding. I wasn't perfect at this process and what Chris and I uncovered together was that this process of empathizing and taking care of myself happens over and over again and my ability to allow that and take care of myself provides the strength needed for my wife to do her work and take care of herself. It is not my job to take care of or "fix" my wife, it is my job to ensure I'm taking care of myself and being Unshakable for my wife and our relationship. Being an Unshakable Man provides the strength those we interact with can use to take care of themselves and thereby create a strong co-creative relationship. While "knowing" this is good it is so important for me to get grounded in my body and feel this. Be Unshakable!!
New comment Sep '23
0 likes β€’ Sep '23
@Christopher Wilson With a partner in group, I think you'd first need to get in the right emotional space through a breathing exercise, and maybe a short meditation. Then you'd need to lay out the scenario involving you and your partner, and do a role-play. In the role-play, you'd need to honestly address the questions Mike (and you, many times over the past months) have laid out, for both of you--what are you feeling, where are you feeling it, and what does it (or you) need? A necessary first step in building the trust needed to address the issue at hand. From there hopefully the proper emotional connection will have been established--and defensive walls taken down--to address what is needed in the relationship, and the expectations each of you have of the other.
0 likes β€’ Sep '23
@Christopher Wilson Sounds good to me.
#myfirst30days - Cohort14
Hi MEN! @Kevin Jackson sent me a reflection after his first 30 days and said it was a powerful exercise to reflect. So now, I'm calling on all of you. What has the past 30 days in Cohort 14 taught you? @John Bellett - Monday Crew @bob Finley - Monday Crew @Benjamin Roth - Monday Crew @Jim Burke - Thursday Crew @David Shepherd - Thursday Crew (will be joining Wednesday, too, due to travel schedule) @Garrett Howard - Thursday Crew @Daniel Wayne - Thursday Crew @Doug Cummings - Thursday Crew @Londell Jackson - Thursday Crew @Kevin Jackson - Thursday Crew @Manuel Torres - Thursday Crew @Dusty Trihub - Thursday Crew @Mike Messersmith - Thursday Crew @Scott Goering - Wednesday Crew @Carl Hyburg - Wednesday Crew @Steven Hoagland - Wednesday Crew @Christopher Wilson - All Crews
New comment Aug '23
2 likes β€’ Aug '23
I have been moved listening to the challenges other men in our cohort face, which at times I can relate to. I also thoroughly love the moments of celebration--small though they may be sometimes--that so many of the guys have experienced. I feel I have begun to learn how to look at myself and others with very different eyes. It is a wonderfully safe space, and for me, a judgment-free one so far. It has much of the same energy I experienced at the April retreat. I hope this spirit continues and grows in the coming weeks as we go deeper.
Answering The Call! Why we need to actively do it.
Good morning Men. We begin another cycle of The Unshakable Man Program this week. Every time we begin this process, I am reminded why we must create a ritual to do this actively. Here are the lessons for this week. (Link to the program) - Watch the opening lesson on answering the call. - Perform this week's breathwork session. - Fill out the Answering the call life assessment worksheet - Show up in your group to check in, ground, and commit to answering the call These activities will help your realine your energy and awareness on what is most important to you and prepare you to do the shadow work required to grow in the later stages of the program. Why? Why do we need to do this? This week we are actively committing to showing up in our lives and relationships in a more empowering way. That's what it means to answer the call. This is an active process. This is something you must choose to do. In the constant flow of our life, it's easy to go into autopilot. This is an adaptive and natural part of how our brains and bodies work. We go unconscious. We drift. We disassociate. We seek to escape. The brain wants to save energy. "It has been estimated that out of every million parts of information received and processed by our body, we humans only admit thirteen parts into our conscious awareness. That means we only allow ourselves to be conscious of .000013% of the data, of experience, known to our body." - The Awakening Body. The fact that this happens is not a problem. I want you to recognize that it happens so you can survive. When we become aware that it happens, we get to choose to slow down and open to more of our life so we can thrive. When this becomes a ritual or habit, you create the opportunity for growth and transformation to occur in your life.
New comment Jul '23
Answering The Call! Why we need to actively do it.
1 like β€’ Jul '23
Chris--please send me the zoom link for the Monday, July 17th session.
0 likes β€’ Jul '23
@John Bellett Yep, got it. Thanks.
1-8 of 8
Jim Burke
5points to level up
Retired, 68 y.o. married gay man living in northern California. Looking for community, friendship, and healing.

Active 2h ago
Joined Jul 8, 2023
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