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Three Roads Tribe (Free)

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24 contributions to Three Roads Tribe (Free)
Update on my book! (And how you can get a FREE Advanced Copy!)
So, if you guys know anything about me, you know I get sh*t done...and often before I even know how to do it! I've written, illustrated, typeset, and now am ready to take The Quest For The Golden Virtues to print! The book was inspired by me asking my younger two kids what they were reading. I saw that they were going back to books they'd already read because they couldn't find any good ones in the family library. Being that I'm always looking to instill values of strength and honor in the culture of my tribe, I figured WTH! and decided to write a book FOR them! What was born was a short (42 pages) kid's chapter book that details the epic journey of a young man to acquire mystical artifacts that, once returned to his village, will help his tribe transcend their current limitations. Check out the sneak peek of the cover attached! Once I decided to write the book: - I wrote it in 9 hours! - I used AI to illustrate it seamlessly! - I hired the same typesetter who handled Tribalnomics to get it in print-ready form - and now...I need to create an ARC Team! Admittedly, I had forgotten how to run this process and had to re-research it, but basically, an Advanced Review Copy Team is a group that will receive A FREE ADVANCED COPY of my book, The Quest For The Golden Virtues, to help me with my launch in a week or two on Amazon by leaving a review when it goes live! I'll be engaging this group pretty routinely through email and keeping team members up to date on the launch during every phase. The ONLY 3 things I need you to do in order to be on this ARC Team are: 1 - Reply below or via DM with "I WANT TO HELP!" 2 - Download and read the free advanced copy I send you (I'll email it to you) 3 - On launch day, purchase an extremely discounted ebook version of my book so when you leave a review, it'll be a "verified" one. (This helps in the "magic algorithm" game we're all stuck playing) And that's it! I have a limited number of ARC Team spots open, as I have to correspond individually with every one of you team members, so PLEASE reply soon (or...NOW) to this email with "I want to help!" in the subject!
New comment Jun 7
Update on my book! (And how you can get a FREE Advanced Copy!)
3 likes • Jun 7
I want to help
An observation from my 20+ years of coaching men at levels of pressure they've never seen before... "Pivoting" when something hasn't been shown to be ineffective but is rather just taking too much time and/or patience... looks a lot like "quitting." Complaining is allowed ONLY when it's followed by an action designed to fix the target of yours complaints! SEE IT THROUGH, MUTHAFUCKAS!!! Question for YOU: What are you currently battling through that a lesser version of you would've QUIT in the past, but the current you is continuing to battle? *Write your answer below!* PS: If you want to jump on a quick 15-20 minute call with me to see how my team and I could help boost your business profit so you DON'T quit, book a call HERE
New comment Nov '23
6 likes • Nov '23
Struggling with my coworkers while starting a new business and laying the groundwork for what I want to do in the future. Because of this group, I have been able to focus on what I can control and not get distracted and overwhelmed. Old me would have quit months ago. Now I’m on the hunt for more pressure.
Happy Thanksgiving, Brothers!
Gratitude is the opposite of entitlement and I, for one, am grateful for all of your alliance and investment in making this place grow more powerful every day!!!
New comment Nov '23
Happy Thanksgiving, Brothers!
8 likes • Nov '23
Happy thanksgiving to everyone.
There's Always a 3rd Choice
Understand that you, as an individual who takes ownership of his power, agree to participate in every movement you make and every story you write in your mind. Don't like your life? Change it. Not knowing what to do is irrelevant. That's what comes next! At a minimum, stop doing what you've always done. Those choices lead you to feel this way in the first place! Then, meditate in that new position until you realize the new options you've created by rejecting those you formerly thought you were limited to!
New comment Nov '23
There's Always a 3rd Choice
3 likes • Nov '23
This one takes me back to the Pressure Project. Reminds me of the talk that you did with Tom about victim mentality. That was the start of my being aware of my own. After becoming aware of my victim mentality, I realized how many choices, I had allowed to be taken from me.
Do you remember?
What a was it like that first time you found yourself in a place where you were forced to pull yourself up by the boot straps? Did you have any support or did you do it alone? Did it take days weeks months or years?
New comment Nov '23
3 likes • Nov '23
I was 19. It was when my dad died. I did it alone but that was my fault I definitely didn't have to do it alone. I was running bad formulas. Because I did it alone it took me years.
1-10 of 24
John Thompson
14points to level up
Working to improve as a husband, father of five, and business partner.

Active 7d ago
Joined Oct 3, 2023
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