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2 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
Controversial Topics
I believe we need to start having deeper conversations, especially about the more controversial topics in the church. If we as a society can’t put on our big boy/girl pants and engage in these discussions, what does that say about us? We don’t have to *agree* on everything, but we should be open to *understanding* other perspectives. It’s not about who is right, but *what* is right—and seeking the truth together. These conversations don’t have to turn into debates or arguments. We can disagree and still respect one another, keeping it clean and focused on learning. Let’s ask the deeper questions and hear each other out. I’d love to know your thoughts on this—do you think we need to have these conversations, and how do we approach them in a healthy way?
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@Angela Linville 4. **Women in Leadership**: The role of women in pastoral or leadership positions, with differing views on whether women can serve as pastors, elders, or teachers. - This is OUTDATED as F. We need more FEMALE LEADERS because they TEND to lead with more compassion and understanding rather than dominance. I think this CONCEPT is yet again a manipulation within the scriptures to support the dominance of corrupt MALE Church leaders. And while we are on the subject of scripture - The bible was written over 600+ years by a bunch of people ALL claiming to be speaking the TRUTH - this had to have been channelled to them the LEVEL of TRUTH in their words can only be relevant to their CAPACITY to embody the word of GOD. It has also been edited, translated and interpreted as well as filtered and had huge section emitted. I am not convinced it is a 100% reliable source of truth as the TRUTH is only PURE BEFORE it is translated into the LIMITED form of spoken / written WORD. The TRUTH is available to US all. our ability to translate it depends on HOW much of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS we can embody. Sorry / not sorry. lol
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@Angela Linville **Same-Sex Marriage and LGBTQ+ Issues**: Differing interpretations on biblical teachings related to marriage, sexuality, and how the church should engage with the LGBTQ+ community.- This is a JUICY one. I believe GOD is all forgiving. JUDGMENT is a human condition. It occurs when we miss the point (sin) that we have FREE WILL therefore GOD cannot judge or else the original LAW is broken. Through our contrasting experiences, we are able to WITNESS the darkness so as to UNDERSTAND and KNOW OURSELVES as LOVE /GOD. WE are GOD - learning about itself through the ILLUSION of separation. as far as LGBTQ and christianity. In my 1000+ experiences with trauma work - 95% of the LGBTQ people Ive worked with have a history of SEXUAL ABUSE - often linked to 'christian organisations' - acting out on same sex activities is often (NOT ALWAYS) a persons attempt to subconsciously re-create their deep trauma into something they can LOVE (this is a whole other topic) but to get back to the point.........GOD IS LOVE and I do not see that having a certain sexual preference affects anyones right to LOVE GOD and BE LOVED by GOD. However the capacity to be a vessel and truly have a relationship requires us to match that frequency - this requires the healing of trauma so as to release JUDGMENT / FEAR and be COMPLETE in our SELF LOVE which in turn is reflected back to us by the universe. If someone is ACTING OUT their sexual activities based on a trauma response then this may leave them in a low frequency and give them LESS ACCESS to the connection. As far as CHRISTIAN ORGANISATIONS condemning or accepting LGBTQ as members without judgment - it's up to the organisation. If your LQBTQ and have a FULL RELATIONSHIP with GOD then how can an organisation take that away?
So Stoked to Be Here with all you EPIC LEADERS.
This is the FUTURE. You know it and I know it. My name is Kian Eder and I am a Transformation Guide and Marketing Expert with 20+ Years in the personal development and entrepreneur spaces. I am here to empower HEART -CENTRED entrepreneurs to build legacies of CHANGE and GROWTH for humanity. Regardless of their 'style' of faith. If you are a CHANGE MAKER, EARTH SHAKER, PARADIGM SHIFTER like me that is here to expand your impact on all levels. Let's connect. PS. I'm Spiritual AF. But not 'head In the clouds' Spiritual. Like 'Do what ever it takes to evolve' Spiritual 🤣😉♥️🔥💥🙏 I grew up a 'christian' I just LOVE Jesus by spreading his consciousness. FINANCIAL IMPACT is SPIRITUAL IMPACT. Let's change the world. If I can contribute ANYTHING to this community to empower the members and the cause let me know.
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So Stoked to Be Here with all you EPIC LEADERS.
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@Kevin Gebert @Kevin Gregg @Clint Riggin @John Murphy @Steve Wormer @Neil Patin
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@Kevin Gregg
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