Julie sent this to me today! I'd love to share it with you all. Please comment on what resonates most with you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtfaccGmCCs
Wow! The message wasn't anything that I expected! The overall takeaway: keep on dreaming big. I appreciated him saying: โจBe open to getting to know others outside your current circle โจStay curious to see where things go โจ Don't get hung up on not being able to do something because it is only now that I don't have the skill. This is timely for me as I can feel I'm at a stage in my work role that I can influence who it is that I am next. I had a conversation with a coworker on my work trip this week and I asked how things were going and what could be done better for next time. His reply? He asked me what I want to do in my next role. Clearly this is a message I need to hear through multiple sources.
Please take this free DISC Personality Test and report your results here! https://www.truity.com/test/disc-personality-test?ppcga=fixed&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwloynBhBbEiwAGY25dM844vGVr4kOB_2HDt8CoL0v3X6Ej0qoare_dkW6XgvV_FHoMZ1dURoCwhUQAvD_BwE
Sunday afternoons work for me. It's a great pause in my weekend between home life and then work life on Monday. After 2pm but before 5pm MST. Two hours is tough during the Tuesday and Wednesday times suggested because of other non work calls.
@Heather Stewart, MS, LMT Thank you for asking. I can commit to the 4-5pm MST time frame. Committing to the full two hours makes it tough with being one hour ahead here.