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9 contributions to EvolveTogether
Max Monday
Happy Monday everybody! I'm wanting to add in some accountability here and hopefully that will get more people participating and joining in on these convos! SOOOO - for today - Let's create a goal each to get done this week. That will be a good max day! If we can create and know the community will hold us accountable! My Goal: I have a discovery call today and had a couple last week. Goal this week = to get one closed! YOU'RE UP! What is your goal?!
New comment Feb 27
1 like • Feb 26
Stick to my macros all week!!! That just leads to all the other ducks in my life to fall into line.
Can you make 5 minute friday with me?!
I am committing myself to some lives here to get the group involved more! Can you spare 10 minutes this Friday to do a 5 minute workout with me?! I will hop on, explain what we are doing, we will move our asses for 5 and say bye! If you can, add the times you are available below and I will choose the most picked time slot!
9 members have voted
New comment Feb 24
0 likes • Feb 20
Assuming this is your time zone?
Max Monday
Happy Monday to all my Monday lover's in this group! I still think that's the coolest how many people look forward to Monday's! 🙌 What are you doing to maximize your day and week ahead? This weekend I have completely set my schedule to a T. I have some family in town, so I filled it with what needs to be done each day and the times I will be getting it done, so outside of that I can spend with them. This ensures I'm still doing something everyday that will get me a tiny bit closer to my big goals, but also leaves the time open needed to maintain my family relationships! ALSO - I FAILED AT MY MAX PLANK!!! I totally missed it... I noticed only 1 person did it last week as well.. good job, @Logan Bechdel ! For everyone else - let's shoot to get this done today! MAX PLANK HOLD!! WHATCHU GOT?! Logan - can you beat your previous time?! Have an awesome Monday everyone!
New comment Feb 5
0 likes • Feb 5
@Logan Bechdel I think sometimes “going through the motions” is an achievement in itself. On those days that seem more tough than others going through the motions, or sticking to the routines is a-ok. Get done what you can with what you can control and that’s a win in my book!!
1 like • Feb 5
@Logan Bechdel oh for sure agree!! 💜 I’m right there with you. Learning from all of you!!
Five Minute Friday
Happy Fridayyyyyy🥳 For our 5 minute Friday - we are going to lean towards the journaling side of things. Many people replied yesterday talking about mindset and learning to navigate through some of that stuff would be helpful. So, for today - here is my challenge to you. Take 5 minutes.. (or longer if you can and need) and write down your 'WHY' ----(this took me months to clearly define, so if you're not a journal'er 5 minutes is a good start) So many people go through the day-to-day just being robotic and on auto pilot. (I was a sucker of this for many years) my 'why' was essentially non-existent. Once you can clearly define your why and start reminding yourself of it multiple times a day, not only does motivation start creepin' in more regularly, discipline does as well. Having this engraved in your head every day helps you want to do and say the things that are only aligned with the 'why'. It makes the small things that don't actually matter in the long run easier to get passed and focus on the bigger picture. It helps you stay on track of reaching your goals and also helps you go to sleep at night knowing you did everything in your power that day to be the best you you could be. And the best part is... is once you start getting used to living your day-to-day around your 'why', it encourages you to wake up and be excited about the day knowing you're aligning yourself around that! *This takes a lot of time and effort, it doesn't happen over night or even over the period of a week/month... this takes months and months and for some years. So, the better you can define it, the easier and more useful it will be*
New comment Feb 3
2 likes • Feb 2
Oh how perfect!! I’ve started to bring journaling into my life more so this is right on point for me. 🤩
Just A Thought Thursday
It's already Thursday guys! This week has flown by! For today, my thoughts are trying to get your guys' thoughts haha So, part of the genius behind Skool is the classroom section. (I'm not sure if anyone has browsed skool much) but 'classroom' is for the people that build communities to put anything into. Things like courses and anything you can learn or gain from. This is all free stuff for community members once they join. So far I have uploaded Bryleigh's Burners into that section. They are full bodyweight workouts that burn like hell... I am also going to be adding in my 6 week leg challenge that I have had a few people test out for me and they loved. An ab challenge will be uploaded etc.. This is part of the value that skool brings. I can load anything into there that I want. Workouts and short fitness programs are easy... The harder/fun stuff for me... is the mental side of things. As I'm creating all of this content, what would you guys like to see more of? (Think of why you joined this group and what expectations you have of it) My ideas to add and ultimately bring more people to the group: -Habit creator/tracker -how to unlearn a negative mindset -creating night/morning routines What do you guys think? What do you think you would use and benefit from the most? (not just my ideas above, but anything and everything you can think of!) Let me know! Share your thoughts please!
New comment Feb 2
0 likes • Feb 2
@Benjamin Johnson this!! ☝️
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Mandi Mulholland
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Joined Jan 23, 2024
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