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Impact Makers

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2 contributions to Impact Makers
I have nothing to write today...
I have been sick for the last 5 days with the most serious of colds... Influenza A. So this is my attempt to 'demonstrate' some level of productivity. Even when I lied in bed with a resting heart rate of 80bpm (my normal range is 45-50), I struggled to let myself simply 'rest.' In my own feverish state, I was telling myself... 'Even though I'm sick, I can still think of ideas! That's still working!' This was at 3am, when I could feel my heartbeat in my skull, and I had to wipe sweat off my body every 5 minutes. Somehow, I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later, head still throbbing, shirt drenched, I woke up to the 'dream' of missing my alarm for work. Despite turning off my alarm the day before, my body was still conditioned to 'waking up' at 4:30am to make sure I get to work on time. Years ago, I used to think this was a good thing. It was a 'badge' of some sort to never miss a day at work. And to be able to 'turn up' even when I was tired. Now that I'm 31, I realise the futility of this thinking. Because overall, I've been sick for almost 9 weeks in a row. I first started feeling sick mid May. I am about to finish my medication by the end of July. It is this exact mentality - the attachment to productivity, that is getting my body into trouble. I am by no means old, don't get me wrong. I am physically fitter than most people in this world. But even I have pushed my own needle too far - to the point where for the first time in my life... I was concerned for my body. Most of us in this group are 30s+, and some of us rely on our bodies for income. For me, I am a coach and a lot of my work involves teaching movement. My physical health is almost directly proportional to my ability to generate income. So I am incredibly sensitive to the perils of ill physical health. My job isn't even heavily physical either. I just teach and move around all day. I don't ever lift anything heavy. There are people out there doing physical labour as their main work.
New comment Jul 22
1 like • Jul 22
I have wrestled with output/productivity and its relationship to my value/self worth for most of my life, so I definitely feel you on that. Thanks to a few people, including yourself I'm learning to be a little less douchey towards myself and to take the moments as they happen for what they are. Especially those moments when I'm not "working". Hope you recover soon my man.
It's Time to Make your Impact.
Hey you! Thanks for being here. You are here because you want to make an impact with your life. You have people you wish to serve. It could be your friends, your family, your community, or the world. You believe life isn't just about you. Life is about helping others. In order to help the world, you also have to be at your best. And that's why I made this group. To give you the resources to be the impact maker you want to be. But that's not all... Making an impact is hard. It's even harder to do it alone. The self-made man/woman is a lie. Every hero needs their village. The stronger the village, the stronger the hero. In this group, you will have a community of individuals who are committed to helping others, as well as supporting each other in their goals. If you're new to the group, please introduce yourself with these three questions: 1. Why do you want to make an impact? 2. What do you want more support in? 3. How can you best support others in this group? I look forward to connecting with you all and watching you make your impact!
New comment Jul 5
1 like • Jul 5
Hey Team, Mark here. I've had the pleasure of attending one of Phil's workshops and it's great that there's a platform to continue to learn and grow together with like minded people, so thank you Phil for putting this together. Shout out to Mike Catabay for connecting me/raising my awareness to Phiil those many moons ago! A bit about me, I've worked in Sales/Business Development for 10+ years across a number of industries and in the last 4 in the Vocational Education Sector (B2C and B2B). I was recently a GM of a Group Training Organisation when our industry took a significant hit and as an affect I copped a redundancy. I am taking the opportunity to refocus my efforts and take charge of my own life which is both terrifying and exciting. I'm hoping with these lessons and with the support of my family/peers that i'll be able to realise my dreams. Why do you want to make an impact? I think we all make an impact in some way, shape or form. Whether that be on the environment, our family/friends, the wider community. Whether that progresses us all forward or backward is really up to the energy flow of that impact. I want to make a positive impact for my wife/son/family/friends. I want to be able to create opportunities for people to live better, more fulfilled, purposeful lives. What do you want more support in? Accountability/encouragement to stay the path, whether that be on my business/fitness goals. I'm usually proud of my ability to get grunt work out of the way, especially when a deadline looms, but i know i get very easily distracted. How can you best support others in this group? I love public speaking (did Toastmasters for a few years and even helped run a few clubs) and through work i've given my fair share of presentations/proposals. If anyone needs help with preparing for a presentation, preparing a proposal, with sales/business development in general, feel free to reach out! Great to be a part of the group and looking forward to meeting up with you all in person some time.
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Mark Reyes
3points to level up
I empower/assist individuals & orgs to grow their business. My skills include communication, strategy, and project management.

Active 10d ago
Joined Jul 4, 2024
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