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Super Sunday Poll! What are the things you don't like about...
...Press pulse? You are allowed to rant today, and let some steam off! :-) Meaning, what annoys you the most when it comes to a therapautic ketogenic diet :-p ?
15 members have voted
New comment 6d ago
2 likes • 20d
From doing 5% of the cooking/washing up am now doing 100%. Add all the counting of fats, protein and carbs, its took much.
Something doesn't add up
My wife has lost 40 pounds and now has a BMI of 22.6. I am sure it is cancer cachexia, and strangely her pulse has regularly been 85-95 for 7-9 months. Is this cortisol related as she has metastasised regions around her adrenal glands? I can't afford to let her lose anymore weight, but her appetite is poor, and keto seems the best way of starving the SCLC. Also doing Joe Tippens protocol. Don't want to poison her anymore with chemo. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
New comment 24d ago
0 likes • 26d
Doing Krill oil 👍
0 likes • 25d
@Rioghnach O'Leary I have the keto mojo, taking fenbendazole 888mg per day, quercetin, Berberine, vit D3, vit K2, black seed oil, milk thistle, Curcumin, Krill oil, magnesium and 2 x Brazil nuts for selenium. I think I need to shift onto a carnivore diet for her to guarantee the GKI below 2. Also HBOT, but only 0.5 over atmosphere. Bloods (haemoglobin , white cells, liver and kidneys)all good after first chemo, which I would rather she wasn't doing.
My wife has SCLC, and I am throwing everything I can find at it.
The first complication is that in Nov 23 she experienced sudden short term memory loss. This persists to this day and involved weight loss (40pounds) and following a severe pain in early June, coughing up blood, she was diagnosed with SCLC, metastasised to the adrenal glands and lymph. As soon as we had the diagnosis I started her on a Keto diet, Fenbendazole (444mg, then 888mg per day) along with Curcumin, Berberine, Quercitin, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Milk Thistle, Magnesium, Black seed oil, CBD oil, 2 drops of Iodine, and Brazil Nuts for selenium. Chemo has started after 6 weeks, during which she does a 48 hr water fast. In moderate ketosis daily due to 16 hours fasting and 2 meals a day. Doing Hyperbaric O2 3 times a week. Don't want her to do chemo, but going through 3 cycles before the next CT scan. Hope none of these things are contra indicating.
New comment 29d ago
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@Egg Scrambled good to know, I think I'll rearrange for the end of intermittent fasting before the first meal of the day, thanks.
0 likes • 29d
I have just watched Dennis Stacey video on YouTube which is excellent wrt the press pulse protocol. I know that everyone is different, but how did Joe Tippens manage to achieve NED without the precision described by Dennis Stacey. There are obviously clear factors that worked for him as far as his metastasised small cell lung cancer. I find it both fascinating and frustrating, however I guess everyone is different.
New Classroom content: Excel Press Pulse Insanity!
Initial calender deadline: 15.9.2024 EDIT: V 1 1 changed mebendazole dosing and protocol, 10-40 mg per kg ADDIDTION: We will of course change the protocol up when Dr. Seyfried releases his protocol study, which he often talks about in current interviews. That paper should be released soon. So I sat down and properly looked through all the information on hand, especially Dennis Stacey Protocol and case study. I / we also have some connections to egyptian and middle east labs and doctors (who want to stay anonymous)... ... this is the result: The Press Pulse Protocol V1, both in Excel and PDF. Errors are to be expected, though, doublecheck everything yourself: Information, calculations, formatting. To be found here: There is minimal food advice in there though! This is more like for your personal schedule planning as well as being able to give something to your doctor so he knows what the plan is! The focus is on the substrates to go along witht he HBOT. DON-Cost calculator included! You HAVE to put in your personal weight in kgs though, to get the proper amounts! The yellow fields are the personalized ones. " A comprehensive sample Press Pulse protocol with the substrates and dosages. Information based on Dr. Seyfrieds concepts, books, studies, case studies, member information, labs and oncologists practicing - and using this kind of protocol right now with great results :-) It comprises 4 cycles with 3 weeks HBOT+ 2 weeks of taking a DON break each, all in all 20 weeks. NO MEDICAL ADVICE :-p Make sure to fill out the bodyweight, and at least the GKI field for tracking what is going on. Meal frequency and total calories are optional, but should be considered for testing and calorie restriction / fasting tracking. "
New comment 6d ago
New Classroom content: Excel Press Pulse Insanity!
0 likes • 30d
Much of the dosages refer to NSCLC, but what about Small cell lung cancer?
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Robert Crawford
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