upright rows 3x ( dropsets) cable y raises 3x rear pec dec fly 3x (dropsets for 2 sets) cable kickbacks 3x single arm db overhead extension 3x superset : dual db extensions 3x tricep dips 3x superset diamond push ups 3x ez bar jm press 3x
Ive been on a cut for a little bit now and i really am struggling to find good food that will make my cutting journey easier. any recipes or ideas would do
Avoid sugars and junk food. Calculate what your caloric deficit is than try to fill moat of thoso calories with proteins and some with carbs. Dont eat processed food. Also be mindful if the liquid calories you're consuming
I have been training for an year but haven't gained any significant muscle so I've started incorporating dropsets. Should I be doing dropsets for every exercise and should I do them daily?