id switch out the standing db with a smith chest press tbh and the straight bar pushdowns with a smith close grip bench(
Bro 8% bodyfat is not sustainable for a long time without feeling like absolute shit and you're not going to be able to afford cheat meals if that is your goal( it's also going to be paired with extreme fatigue. You shouldn't really have a bodyfat percentage goal in mind that you want to achieve because BF% is really hard to determine so posts like that picture just give you false expectations. If abs is what you want, train them 2 - 3 times a week like you would any other muscle. Eat in a calorie deficit, avoid processed and high sugar foods and most imporantantly avoid alcohol.
I tell my story to inspire others I started at 130lbs and now I am 200lbs The secret is diet, it's 70% of the whole thing If I can do it you can too easy DM me "Diet" and I'll send you the 10 foods that helped me and can help you 📈