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Owned by Mimi

Unstoppable Business Community

Private • 38 • $1/m

🔥 UNSTOPPABLES ONLY 🔥 Where Community = Conversation = Connection = Clients = CHA-CHING 💥 $1 = Your Best Investment Yet! 👊💰


Private • 36 • $27/m

Magnetise your MESSAGE, MONEY + MISSION with MYM where heart-led businesses Stand Out with Magnetic messaging + Badass visibility. Epic IMPACT awaits!


Skool Community

Public • 140.2k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 18.8k • Free

Serene Balance Society

Private • 10 • $1/m

Women Helping Women Mastermind

Private • 4k • Free

Selling Online / Prime Mover

Public • 6.6k • Free

Empowered Spirit Tribe

Private • 23 • Free

Skool for High Ticket Experts

Public • 159 • $11/m

Collaboration HQ

Private • 8 • Free

33 contributions to Skool Community
Declined from a Community but Still Getting Emails? What Do You Think?
Hey, I’ve got a question for you, and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Say you join a free community, fill in your details, and wait for approval. But then your submission is declined—yet they still use your email to send daily emails. Not through the platform, but directly through their email list. Do you think this is right or wrong? Should they still be using your email to pitch to you after you’ve been declined from their community? I’d love to hear your take on this situation. Let’s go! "I’ve got mixed feelings about it myself. And yeah, this actually happened to me (not business-related). No clue why I was declined, but I’m curious... should I message them and ask why they’re still emailing me if I wasn’t accepted into the community?" Would love your thoughts!
New comment 9m ago
Declined from a Community but Still Getting Emails? What Do You Think?
0 likes • 28m
@Val Selby great answer... and I totally hear you. Where is the exchange hmmm
0 likes • 12m
@Ryan Schrope Yes, I figured this out after lots of epic insight; thank you, too. I think if this is the case, I would maybe make sure something is in the first email explaining why you received it if you were declined; food for thought!
One step at a time = Skool Progress, Challenges, + What’s Next...
Hey, epic humans! (warning I might get a bit soppy) You may or may not know, but I’ve been showing up consistently here for the last 14 days, and I want to start with a MASSIVE shoutout—you guys are FIRE! 🔥 I’ve made so many amazing connections, and I can honestly say that this community has brought a new level of joy and energy back into my heart and soul. 💖 Now, let me keep it real with you... Yes, I’ve been giving value. Yes, I’ve been visible. Yes, I’ve made EPIC connections. Yes, I’m growing my community one step at a time. And yes, I’m learning a TON along the way. BUT, and this is important—I’ve still got plenty on my get-to-do list, and finding time for it all is proving to be a bit of a juggle. I’ve done my VSL (finally, right?), but I still want to add more to my About page. I’ve only got ONE upsell in the classroom (which I’ve sold, but hey—it’s a start). And here’s the kicker—I haven’t even set up my Start Here section yet. 🤦‍♀️ Next up: adding more to my calendar because there’s SO MUCH more I want to share. So here’s my point—I’m taking it one step at a time. It’s a work in progress, and that’s okay. Now, let’s talk about something I heard recently—someone said, “Getting likes on posts doesn’t lead to anything.” And you know what? They’re right. Likes don’t mean sh*t. It’s not about the likes. It’s about getting visible for the RIGHT reasons. It’s about showing up with REAL value, for REAL people, and contributing for the RIGHT reasons. 🙌 @Sam Ovens talked about being a top contributor, in the evolution of Skool, to fricken right… Show up and contribute with heart, that's what I am about! Give support, lift each other up, and empower your fellow community members. Be humble. Be open. Be real. Be raw. Be a f*cking badass. And I'm here also for the banter, the fun, and the epic connections. Thanks so much. You all know who you are!!! @Ron Deering @Harold Meadows @Nick Maier @Hunter Johnston @Brendon Hayes (to name a few)
New comment 2h ago
One step at a time  = Skool Progress, Challenges, + What’s Next...
1 like • 2h
@Hunter Johnston hey yes I feel you, I am so relieved I got part one of my VSL done and already its paying off, all the best with yours, drop a win post when done, we will celebrate you!
0 likes • 2h
@Stephanie Hetu I totally agree, defo a place of support and community I love it!
How I Built a $1 Community with Profit Potential in Less Than 14 Days 💥🚀💰
I'm just TWO DAYS from the end of my 14-day FREE TRIAL since setting up my $1 community on Skool. It's been a FUN RIDE, and I've been learning SO MUCH! 🎢📚 This is the FIRST TIME I've created a $1 community, and I'm sharing all the HIGHS, LOWS, and LESSONS as I go. 🎭📊 Here is my LOW-DOWN BREAKDOWN… 👇 ## Why a $1 Community? 🤔💡 After losing my Facebook group, I needed a TROLL-FREE ZONE where people who were SERIOUS and READY TO INVEST could join—hence the $1 entry. It's NOT about the money; it's about COMMITMENT. 💪💵 That tiny price tag FILTERS OUT THE NOISE and brings in people who are ready to SHOW UP. (Hey I shared all the stories in this group too, head to my profile and check the posts at the bottom) 👀📝 ## The Numbers So Far 📊🔢 * 35 people PAID and SIGNED UP. 👥💳 * 2 people CHURNED (yep, they left—wasn't their vibe, and that's fine). 👋😊 * 33 PAYING MEMBERS stayed, with most choosing the YEARLY OPTION ($10/year). 🏆🔐 * I'm at $31 MRR (monthly recurring revenue) right now. Small? Yes. But the POTENTIAL? HUGE. 💹🔥 ## My First Upsell Win 🔥💪 Just a few days ago, I DROPPED A COURSE in the classroom, LOCKED IT for $11, and someone SNAGGED IT on DAY ONE. 💥🎉 This right here showed me the POWER OF UPSELLS and locking VALUABLE CONTENT inside the community. (I will be adding more here over the week) 📚🔒 I currently have $183.67 in PAYOUTS WAITING and another $156 from AFFILIATE SIGN-UPS. 💰💰 TOTAL $339 (the only way is UP!) 📈🚀 As a HUGE THANK-YOU INCENTIVE, I'm giving a FREE 1-HOUR ZOOM SESSION to anyone who signs up through my affiliate link in my community, helping them set up their own Skool community. 🎁🖥️ ## Where Did These Members Come From? 🌍🔍 Here's the SHIFT: When I first launched, my initial members came from my EMAIL LIST and FACEBOOK PROFILE. 📧👥 But now? Many of my NEW MEMBERS are coming DIRECTLY FROM SKOOL ITSELF! #gratefulaf 🙏✨ The platform has CRAZY GROWTH POTENTIAL that I didn't even realize at first. 🚀💡 I've been SUPER ACTIVE in the Skool Games community and Skool, where I hit #4 on the SG 7 DAY LEADERBOARD by having REAL CONVERSATIONS and GIVING VALUE. 🏆🗣️
New comment 13h ago
How I Built a $1 Community with Profit Potential in Less Than 14 Days 💥🚀💰
1 like • 20h
@Moayyed M totally, thats business woop!
0 likes • 20h
@Jawed Iqbal hey thank you, no only organic my way, although I will run ads in maybe the next few months x
From $150k in Debt to Right Here, Right Now (thank you, Skool Fam)
4 years ago I found myself $150k in debt The anniversary is coming up in a few days I went from a $500,000 ARR business to that reality within 2 months In 2016 I started a Youth Development Centre We grew to 6-fig in 6 months - and continued growing from there We mentored international, national and youth level athletes When COVID hit we lost 85% of our revenue overnight All our school contracts and sporting contracts were null and void We couldn't recover I made mistakes on risk management I'll never make again After the doors closed it took me a month to process and stabilise I was in a place where I had no thing except the skills I'd acquired I went all in on writing copy I freelanced and consulted Over the next four years I'd quickly scale back up to ~$150k I paid off the debt I worked with some fucking banger companies I flew around the world to write It was fucking epic Then in 2022 I was offered an opportunity It felt too good to be true at the time (turns out it was ... remember, there's always a trade off) It was with an agency that had generated $2.3B at the time I'd be a Marketing Exec, Copy Chief and manage millions on ad spend every month while managing a team of creatives It was like tapping into the matrix - personal & professional growth wise We'd routinely turn $100k spend into 7 figures, and take companies from $50k/mo to $100k/wk in a few months It taught me a lot ... and one thing in particular about myself My highest values in life are freedom and mentoring Helping others makes my cup overflow I couldn't keep up the 3am client calls I couldn't keep up the 18 hr days, 7 days a week I couldn't keep working to build someone else's dream So I transitioned away earlier this year I burned everything to the ground Started from zero again I took a forced sabbatical For months I'd start building something and then stop It never felt right The one thing I was looking for was a community of ambitious people chasing their very best self
New comment 2h ago
From $150k in Debt to Right Here, Right Now (thank you, Skool Fam)
3 likes • 21h
Thank you for sharing your wow inspiring story, my gif would be! and for the shoutout, yes indeed this community is fckin epic af!
2 likes • 21h
@Nick Maier I love those moments, what i also love is how in sync we shared some realness today and tagged.... interesting
Let's Play the Worst Game Ever!!! (but i think you will love it)
I was driving into Ubud, to grab juicy vegan burger (no comments please), + I started thinking about this weird little game I play sometimes called: # "WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?" 🤔 Stay with me. So, let's say you join a new community (doesn't really matter which one). You're PUMPED, EXCITED, ready to make moves. You drop an intro post, maybe share a little about yourself or your business. Or ask a question, share a win, etc… Then what? Here is the FUN part! 🎉 What's the worst that could happen? 👉 CRICKETS. Nada. No engagement, no likes, no comments. ZERO interaction. Yeah, it sucks, but guess what? That's the WORST that could happen. You don't lose anything. Now, what's the BEST that could happen? 👉 You MEET someone. You make a NEW CONNECTION. A conversation starts and BAM—maybe it turns into a collaboration, a client, a friendship. The possibilities open up. Now, here's another scenario for ya… You join a community, but you DON'T introduce yourself. You keep quiet. You don't create a post. You sit back and watch. What's the worst that could happen? 👉 Uh, NOTHING. Literally nothing. F-all! What's the best that could happen? 👉 Still… NOTHING. Nobody knows you. Nobody sees you. You're INVISIBLE. Here's the thing - You have to GET YOURSELF OUT THERE to even have a shot at the best-case scenario. The worst case? You LEARN from it. You ADJUST. You MOVE FORWARD. It's not rocket science. START the conversation, CREATE the connection, and WATCH what happens. What's holding you back? Drop an intro. Create a post. Ask a question. ENGAGE. Because if you don't well I dont need to spell it out, you get my gist… Your move. 👊
New comment 23h ago
Let's Play the Worst Game Ever!!! (but i think you will love it)
0 likes • 23h
@Sammy P so digging this, yes whats the worse that can happen BOOM!
1 like • 23h
@Karim Jaidi and wow that makes me so so happy! have a great day
1-10 of 33
Mimi Ramsey
51points to level up
Visibility, Messaging, and Marketing expert for badass businesses ❤️ Serving sarcasm, success tips & dog obsession. Let's get you Visible AF ! 🐾

Active 8m ago
Joined Aug 19, 2024
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