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29 contributions to Kettlebell Warriors
Rolling With the Punch’s
If y’all think for a second my life is a gravy train on biscuit wheels plowing through a yellow brick road, you’re dead wrong! Just as it is for probably every single one of you, there are obstacles in the road and around every turn. Remember, no matter how well thought out a plan is, life has a way of taking a massive swing at it. It’s how you bob, weave, and counterpunch that matters. Don’t let setbacks or deviations from your plan get you down or keep you down. KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!! Big week full of opportunities for us to get better. Who’s ready to own it?!?! Hands Up…KEEP FIGHTING!!!
New comment 4d ago
Rolling With the Punch’s
1 like • 4d
Feel like I live in this space right now. This Tyson quote never gets old or less relevant. Forward, always forward. Last night, trying to make use of @Henrik Smeby suggestions. Overhead press - 10 reps each side / Single Arm Clean - 5 reps each side / Deadlift - 10 reps / Dbl arm swing - 12 reps. All done with the 16kg KB with the idea of trying to build to high reps. I kept everything with the same weight with the hope that I would continue to have the capacity to do presses with good form. Will be attempting to increase the reps, until this feels like the swings and even the cleans are starting to feel...easy with this weight. Monday's workout was an hour of rolling hills on the treadmill, with incline ranging from 1 to 12, and the speed at an average of 3.5. Mental health walk so to speak.
Snatches, Wood Chopping, Campfire Cooking, S’mores, and Gladiator II
Settling in to watch Gladiator II with the wife after chopping a cord of wood, knocking out a nice snatch routine, crushing a campfire cookout, and having a fun S'more's session with the kids..Anyway, wanted to share a quick tip as well as check in to see how you capped off the work week. As for that quick tip: if you hate cardio, find some labor intensive chore around the home front that helps boost work capacity. Chop wood, clean gutters, mow the lawn with a non-self propelled mower (while wearing a weight vest if you REALLY wanna beef it up)…To me, this type of “cardio” beats the HELL out of just riding a stationary bike for a half hour…PLUS you have the benefit of getting shit crossed off the “honey do” list. What you guys got planned for the weekend? What are you doing to serve your “WHY”??? Check in!!! Hands Up…KEEP FIGHTING!!!
New comment 3d ago
 Snatches, Wood Chopping, Campfire Cooking, S’mores, and Gladiator II
2 likes • 8d
Repeat of last nights workout with KB swings with 24kg KB after each set. Wanted to attempt to go up in weight for the main set, but not at a point where I am confident in the clean with the heavier bell, which in turn compromises the press, so did not move forward. Any suggestions/advice on how to build to the heavier weight?
2 likes • 7d
@Henrik Smeby Much appreciated. Thank you for the suggestion and breakdown here. I will test this out and see if I can make this work. Have a great day!
Curious What YOU Think
Before I film a YouTube video that will UNDOUBTEDLY get me a lot of hate, I wanna know your opinion on the matter. What’s more important for your overall health? DIET or EXERCISE? Let me know your opinion and why… Hands Up…KEEP FIGHTING!!!
52 members have voted
New comment 6d ago
6 likes • 11d
I’m going to say diet…reason being that for me personally, exercise has not moved the scale in the direction I need, where diet has made an impact. Maybe it’s age at play as well. Tonight’s workout was an hour on the treadmill, rolling hills.
Forearm Pain During Cleans (3 Cues to Fix It!)
One of the biggest complaints most guys have regarding kettlebell training is how the kettlebell destroys the top of their forearms during the clean. I wanna remedy that for you with 3 simple cues!!! This is a clip from a YouTube video I've got cued up for tomorrow, but I wanted to give you guys the first look. Avoid the pain and get them gains!!! Hands Up...KEEP FIGHTING!!
New comment 11d ago
Forearm Pain During Cleans (3 Cues to Fix It!)
2 likes • 12d
@Chris McCann keeping hoping we will get some snow soon.
1 like • 11d
Appreciate the breakdown on this. Will help for sure. Last night's workout. Did not have a ton of time, but got it in: All done with a pair of 16kg KB. 3 Rounds and 5 reps of the following: Pause Push Up to Clean & Push Press / Alternating From Bottom Row / Double Kettlebell Swing / Deadlift
Solid Wife Tip…
This post has absolutely NOTHING to do with fitness or diet, and EVERYTHING to do with how to make your life exponentially better. If your wife, girlfriend, significant other, child, or any loved one has had a shit day…stop what you’re doing and make them a meal that you KNOW will satisfy them. Seems like a trivial task, but in my experience not only does it take one more thing off their plate that they may not have the physical or even emotional energy to handle, but more importantly it shows you’re willing and eager to put THEM and THEIR interests ahead of your own. Some may think this could misalign with your goals in the gym, if it meant cutting your workout short (or even out), but I’m telling you right now, it is a display of love that earns you HUGE points in the future. Which in my mind is a far better long term investment for your cumulative happiness and wellbeing than the successful execution of just one workout. I’m not a big nachos guy, but trust me, this will be the best decision I make for my wellbeing all week!!! What little things do YOU DO to show up for your WHY? Let me know below! And don’t forget to chime in with your daily check in… Hands up, KEEP FIGHTING!!!
New comment 12d ago
Solid Wife Tip…
5 likes • 13d
This one was pretty timely. Been doing my best to be as present as possible in the moments when I am able (non-working moments) this year. I actually took the boys out with me last night. Our task? Go birthday gift shopping my wife. This was a triple value thing where 1) My wife was able to get some much needed time by herself without the three of us around 2) The boys got to be active and feel like they had some say in getting their mom exactly what they wanted (within financial reason) to celebrate their mom on top of what they made her and 3) I got some solid, focused and specific time with my sons, just the three of us. Was it a lot? Yup. We do not do a lot of trips to the store together, even with the four of us. Was it worth it? 1000% yes. I actually found this message AFTER our trip. Glad to see that others see the value appreciate the efforts of their spouses. Workout last night: 3 rounds, tabata style (Over 40 KB Lower Body Workout #1). The swings, squats, and deadlifts all done with 24kg KB, the reverse lunges done with 16kg KB. 10 min of stretching focused on the lower back and 10 min on shouldlers then a 30 min walk on the treadmill to reset the mind.
1-10 of 29
Shawn Burgo
45points to level up
I'm a husband, father, designer and illustrator who enjoys working with non-profits whenever possible.

Active 4d ago
Joined Oct 9, 2024
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