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2 contributions to Jerry - Sales Accelerator
Dyslexia, My Secret Weapon: Turning Reading Struggles into Narrative Triumphs
I was the kid in class who just couldn't get the words right. School was a battleground, with English class as the enemy. Imagine me, the one who would sweat over a single sentence, facing the world where words were the key to everything. Fast forward to my 30s, a friend dared me to try stand-up comedy. Terrified yet curious, I stepped onto the stage. That night, something clicked. The crowd laughed and applauded, not at me, but with me. From there, I discovered a love for storytelling, a passion hidden beneath years of struggle. Writing my origin story for online marketing was daunting. No guidebook, just me and my memories. I pushed through, crafting tales not just for myself but for others, turning my past challenges into narratives of triumph. Then AI threatened to end it all. But instead, I adapted, creating a GPT to weave stories from the threads of imagination and experience. I turned my struggle into strength, my fear into a foundation. So here I am, a dyslexic who once dreaded words, now helping others tell their stories. My journey isn’t just about overcoming; it's about transforming every setback into a step forward. Now here is the rub, this story is my story. I feed the GPT my details and history. It then restructured it and came back with a draft of the story, which I edited and finalized and am sharing with you here. Here is the access to my origin story writing GTP Let me know your thoughts.
New comment Apr 4
Dyslexia, My Secret Weapon: Turning Reading Struggles into Narrative Triumphs
1 like • Apr 4
@Jerry O Brien my openai account says the gpt not found is it this one?
99 Members
Hey Guys, We are just at 99 members! Amazing! Slowly Slowly wins the game! Look forward to greeting number 100 in the next 24 hours! :-)
New comment Apr 4
99 Members
2 likes • Apr 3
I am a certified kids' coach. My goal is to help kids develop self-confidence and self-esteem, believe in themselves, and accept and overcome problems. I have a hard time knowing what to say to parents since they make the decisions, but I help their kids, not focus on them, so it's hard to sell. I was in Information Technology for 20 years before a panic attack that I thought was a heart attack led to 2 years of therapy and the realization that I was sexually abused as a kid. Hence, I desire to help kids protect themselves.
1 like • Apr 3
@Zofia Delauzun its funny, we use stories to help kids understand, but the same stories made me think to myself, why the heck didn't I know thins when I wasa kid. so I can help young adults, but in todays world (not all but a lot) its still going to be the parents paying thre investment.
1-2 of 2
Shem Spillane
14points to level up
Dedicated to helping children thrive & reach their full potential. I strive to instill in children a sense of confidence, resilience, and self-worth.

Active 18d ago
Joined Apr 2, 2024
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