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43 contributions to 𝘾𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙑𝘼𝙏𝙀 ᴏғғᴇʀ 🐛
How I Got 20+ Calls Booked Last Month
Last month (in August 2024) I was able to get 20+ calls booked for my online coaching business. And as a result of that, I’ve been able to close more people and make significantly more money as a result of that. However, how was I able to do this? What lead gen strategy did I use? What content strategy did I use ect ect? You might be thinking these things, but you’re wrong with all of them. In this post, I’m going to teach you exactly what I fixed in order to actually achieve that. To be able to book 20+ calls/mo To close more deals and bring in more revenue for your online business. What did I exactly do? I completely fixed my sleep. More specifically: Eliminating my excessive overthinking about my business before bed (which was keeping me up for 2, 3 hours+ each night) Hold on, what? How does something completely unrelated to business, have such a drastic impact? How did it land me from booking just 5 calls a month to over 20+/mo? Let me explain. You need to learn the importance sleep actually HAS for us entrepreneurs It is vital for EVERY single aspect of our lives. EVERY SINGLE ASPECT. It is responsible for: - Memory consolidation - Muscle recovery - Cognitive function - Mood regulation - Emotional resilience - Immune system support - Energy restoration - Hormone regulation - Creativity - Metabolism - Stress reduction - Skin repair - Heart health - Learning - Reflexes sharpening - Problem-solving ability - Decision-making clarity - Focus and attention - Fatigue reduction - Reduced risk of illness - Brain detoxification - Cellular regeneration - Growth and development - Appetite control - Blood pressure regulation - Motor skill improvement - Bone health - Emotional processing - Libido regulation - Speech processing - Increased productivity - Decreased inflammation - Restoring balance in the body - Weight management - Digestive system regulation - Muscle growth - Tissue repair - Longevity extension - Injury recovery - Improved alertness
How I worked 5X more as an entrepreneur because I did THIS
Just last month (August), I was able to consistently work 5X more on my business each day. And as a result of that, I was able to get 20 calls booked on my calendar (normally it was 4 per month before that) And as a result, make more sales and therefore more money. And in this post, I’m going to teach you exactly what I did in order to actually achieve that. To be able to consistently work 5X more on my business each day. To get more calls/appointments booked. To make more sales as a result. What exactly did I do though? SLEEP. Not just sleep. But: I learnt how to fall asleep faster, by killing my overthinking (Which was keeping me up for 2, 3+ hours each night). That’s how I was able to start working 5X more each day. Why’s this? We need to learn the importance of sleep first and what it means to sleep well. Why is it important to sleep really well as an entrepreneur? Let’s dive straight into the three reasons now: REASON 1: Boosted Brain (Higher Energy) I remember just 6 months ago, I was badly struggling with my sleep. It would always take me at least 2, 3 hours+ each night to fall asleep. And it had been like that for YEARS. My mind would be racing with thoughts about my business, thoughts about the plans I had in mind for tomorrow… I’d always wake up the next morning feeling extremely tired and heavy. My eyes would take 10 seconds just to open up. I’d get out of bed slowly, scroll on my phone for a bit, then walk over to my computer desk. I’d try to work but I just physically couldn’t. My energy was so depleted I couldn’t focus at all for literally more than a few seconds. I’d then go back onto my phone, scroll for another couple of hours, and try to work again. This time, I’d end up getting an hour or so of work done, but of very poor quality. I’d end up going back to bed that same night, and my mind would start to race again. But, it would be racing about how I didn’t get enough work done that day How I didn’t live up to my potential.
Fellow Captivaters, How Long Does It Take For You To Fall Asleep Each Night?
If it's from 30 mins to an hour, comment why it takes you that long! I'll respond to any questions you guys have
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How I Scaled My Business In Just 28 Days
Last month, I was able to scale my business from 0 to 4 figs a month. And guess what else I was able to do last month? Fall asleep in under 10 minutes each night on AVERAGE. As a result of that, I’ve been able to enjoy life more. Not worry about the price-tag on items when I buy them Be able to start trying to retire my parents, Reinvesting back into my business. The list goes on. And in this post, I’m going to give you a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve EXACTLY all of that. Through: being able to fall asleep in under 10 minutes each night It is incredibly important that I’ve been able to do it. Think about it right? Did you know, that when you are sleep deprived, (assuming you got less than 6 hours of sleep) You make 400% more mistakes in critical decision-making situations, compared to those who get adequate rest. Think about that!!! That’s 400% MORE MISTAKES that you’re making. 4X. 4X the amount of mistakes you make. Think about what that’s going to do to your business down the track. Is your business going to get better as a result of that? Are you going to even still have a business? Will it still be up and running? Will you be still making 2K, 3K, 5K a month now? Or will you be barely scraping by just 1K a month? Think about what that’s going to do to your future self. You won’t even be able to retire your parents. They’re still going to be SHOUTED at by other people. SHOUTED at by their boss. Think about that. All because you can’t retire them. Because you’re barely scraping by 1k a month, because of the poor decisions you make, because you are SLEEP DEPRIVED. Now imagine, you’re able to make 4X less mistakes in critical decisions in your business. Think about what that’s going to do? Think about the amount of money you’re going to bring in each month. 10K, 20K, 30K. It’ll just keep getting higher and higher. All because you’re able to implement some systems which help you fall asleep faster each night.
Entrepreneurs, what are some of your biggest problems with falling asleep?
I've been able to go from taking 2, 3+ hours each night to fall asleep, because of overthinking about my business, to last month, being able to fall asleep in under 10 minutes a night on average. And as a result I've been able to scale my business like crazy haha Comment below some of your problems you've encountered with trying to fall asleep faster, and I'll answer every one of them!
1-10 of 43
Taylor Overton
325points to level up
💤 I help online entrepreneurs further scale their business by killing overthinking to fall asleep in 10 minutes or less

Active 2h ago
Joined Jul 6, 2024
Auckland, New Zealand
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