How I Got 20+ Calls Booked Last Month
Last month (in August 2024) I was able to get 20+ calls booked for my online coaching business.
And as a result of that,
Iโ€™ve been able to close more people and make significantly more money as a result of that.
how was I able to do this?
What lead gen strategy did I use?
What content strategy did I use ect ect?
You might be thinking these things,
but youโ€™re wrong with all of them.
In this post,
Iโ€™m going to teach you exactly what I fixed in order to actually achieve that.
To be able to book 20+ calls/mo
To close more deals and bring in more revenue for your online business.
What did I exactly do?
I completely fixed my sleep.
More specifically:
Eliminating my excessive overthinking about my business before bed (which was keeping me up for 2, 3 hours+ each night)
Hold on, what?
How does something completely unrelated to business,
have such a drastic impact?
How did it land me from booking just 5 calls a month to over 20+/mo?
Let me explain.
You need to learn the importance sleep actually HAS for us entrepreneurs
It is vital for EVERY single aspect of our lives.
It is responsible for:
- Memory consolidation
- Muscle recovery
- Cognitive function
- Mood regulation
- Emotional resilience
- Immune system support
- Energy restoration
- Hormone regulation
- Creativity
- Metabolism
- Stress reduction
- Skin repair
- Heart health
- Learning
- Reflexes sharpening
- Problem-solving ability
- Decision-making clarity
- Focus and attention
- Fatigue reduction
- Reduced risk of illness
- Brain detoxification
- Cellular regeneration
- Growth and development
- Appetite control
- Blood pressure regulation
- Motor skill improvement
- Bone health
- Emotional processing
- Libido regulation
- Speech processing
- Increased productivity
- Decreased inflammation
- Restoring balance in the body
- Weight management
- Digestive system regulation
- Muscle growth
- Tissue repair
- Longevity extension
- Injury recovery
- Improved alertness
- Pain tolerance improvement
Can I go on?
But more specifically,
which aspects are going to help you out in terms of business?
They are:
- Memory consolidation
- Cognitive function
- Mood regulation
- Emotional resilience
- Energy
- Creativity
- Stress reduction
- Learning
- Problem-solving ability
- Decision-making clarity
- Focus and attention
- Fatigue reduction
- Increased productivity
- Improved alertness
- Speech processing
Sleep is responsible for all of that.
Which is responsible for your productivityโ€ฆ
Which is responsible for how much youโ€™re working on your business.
So many people say โ€œproductivity doesnโ€™t matter just work broโ€
How TF are you supposed to get any shit done,
if youโ€™re braindead, just looking at your computer,
brain-fogged, no energy.
Typing a letter a minute, getting distracted with notifications everywhere?
Youโ€™ll get NOTHING done.
Productivity clearly DOES matter.
And it has certainly for ME.
When it was taking me hours and hours to fall asleep each night,
because of my overthinking.
The next morning, Iโ€™d wake up feeling tired and Iโ€™d have low af energy.
Iโ€™d go over to my computer,
slowly work.
And ended up getting distracted really quickly.
I got on average about 5 calls/mo or so booked.
Combination of setting and sales calls as well.
Guess how much time I was spending working on my business each day then?
About 6 - 8 hours each day.
I was neglecting sleep to put in more hours on my business.
Now, that I book 20 calls/mo,
how much do you reckon I work now?
I work 4 - 6 hours a day on weekdays (a lot more on weekends)
Thatโ€™s LESS work Iโ€™m doing,
but more OUTPUT.
Because Iโ€™m more productive.
Because Iโ€™ve been able to fix my sleep.
There you go bro.
Thatโ€™s how I was able to book 20+ calls last month for my business.
And how I was able to actually achieve that,
without some fancy new lead gen strategy or whatever TF.
Chances are,
a lot of the time,
youโ€™re probably switching up your content strategy, lead strategy or whatever.
Your problem isnโ€™t with that itโ€™s actually how hard youโ€™re working on that,
which all comes back down to your productivity,
which comes back to sleep.
Start making sleep a priority bro!
Keep crushing it!!
Taylor Overton
How I Got 20+ Calls Booked Last Month