Why failing is good!
I used to be really afraid of failing and I want to share how one experience changed my whole perspective (and life)!
Back when I was working a 9-5 job, one of the reasons I never tried to start a new business was because I was scared of it not working out.
My ego would not allow me to accept that failure is a part of life and part of that may have been due to school and university where the perception created was that failing an exam meant the end of the world.
One day I spoke to my employer at one of my jobs who was a successful entrepreneur and asked him how he came to achieve such massive success...
He simply told me, "Because I failed 100 times before I achieved success".
This was when it clicked in my head, every failure was an opportunity to grow and learn.
From that day on, I started my first side-hustle, and 3 business failures later, I was blessed to make my first $100,000 online in e-commerce!
You simply have to take the concept of failure and swap it out for the word "learning".
Once you accept that failure is just a synonym of learning then you're ready to go out there and take action.
Ask yourself what the worst case scenario of failure is and then ask yourself, "Is it really that bad".
I'd love to know what failure you've encountered in your life that you can flip into a learning? Please do share it with me in the comments!
Sal Jaffer
Why failing is good!
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