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Bussiness name
Which one sounds better or flows with the bussiness more? I’m a swim instructor swim instructor or swim services etc… or Wsi etc.
New comment 35m ago
8.5x Improvement in LTV:CAC 🤯
I had been running my coaching business for 2 years without really making any money. I couldn't figure it out, I keep investing in programs to add different traffic funnels or sales improvements. I was selling high ticket but it seemed like I was just loosing money. Finally @Alex Hormozi made it into my feed. I started tracking my LTV:CAC ratio and realized that for the last year my average was 0.9 😭 It was the wake up call I needed and finally a metric that had a tangible impact on my cash flow. Over the last month I went on a tear cutting costs and revamping my offering around Skool. In the first 2 weeks of September my LTV:CAC is now 7.7 👀 The crazy thing is I'm selling a lower ticket item and honestly just doing way less. It goes to show how much crap I was doing before that I thought was helping that just wasn't. Now I know what actions ACTUALLY improve my business. Time to crank it 💪
New comment 2h ago
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We would really appreciate it if you could leave us a positive review. Your feedback helps us improve and lets others know what to expect from our services. You can leave your review here in the comments. 👇 Here are a few questions to guide your review: What was your situation before using our community? 🤔 How does our group help you overcome your challenges? 🛠️ What specific results have you seen since using our group? 📈 How has this impacted you or your business positively? 🌟 Thanks for joining Acquisition University! We’re so grateful for your support. We would love to hear about your experience and how our community has made an impact. Thank you for your kind words! 🙏
New comment 3h ago
👉 Please Leave Us a Positive Review 👍
Do I need a logo or can I just have a name and a color I use?
New comment 3h ago
“Keep focusing on the process, not the outcome.”
From Alex Hormozi’s Playbook to Your Life This is a key message I learned from Alex. What’s one process or habit you’ve built because of his teachings that has made a lasting impact? Share your lesson and how you applied it. Lets create a thread of actionable advice. To encourage others, to create a thread full of examples of how others have applied the lessons. Remember to like or comment on others' insights to keep the learning flowing! 🌱
New comment 3h ago
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Hormozi Community
Fan Group for Leila and Alex Hormozi. Curated videos into a Master of Business Acquisition (MBA) at Acquisition University.
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