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9 contributions to Hormozi Community
99% of Doubts Can be Avoided By....
DOING MORE!!! Inaction is the greatest form of procrastination. It is better to take action and make mistakes than to just be stagnant and do nothing at all! When I built my first e-commerce store, I made no sales for the first 3 weeks. At the time, I could not understand why, the website was built, the products were listed but I made no sales. However, during these 3 weeks, I sat there and waited 'hoping' that a sale would come. Alas, I finally realised that just hoping to achieve success was not the way to do it and it was time to take action! So I made tweaks, I changed my product descriptions, I tested different ads and experimented with the website, and two weeks later... I finally made my first sale. This in turn led to making my first $100,000 online! Lesson of the Story: Think Less, Do More! Wrong Actions is better than no Action at All!
New comment Aug 18
99% of Doubts Can be Avoided By....
0 likes • Jul 12
@Hadi Sulman agreed man!
1 like • Jul 12
@Boniface G- Michael got u bro!
The impact of having a mentor on your journey:
When I started my journey of entrepreneurship last year, I was confident and adamant that I could do it all alone. It didn't take long to realise that I knew absolutely nothing + that starting from the bottom is very challenging, lonely + difficult when alone. I realised at this point that in order to actually learn + grow, I needed mentors in my life help me. And ever since January 2023, I've spent over $15,000 in mentors, and networking groups and here's what it made me realise: 1. A mentor is a way to fast track your growth as they help you avoid mistakes you would have made by yourself. 2. A mentor provides you with a clear blueprint and path in order to succeed as they several steps ahead of you on your journey, and more likely than not, have experienced what you are going through. 3. The investment in a mentor allows you to expand your own network, and foster new + invaluable connections. You never know, you may start a business with your mentor over time. 4. Infinite return on investment. That $15,000 has returned in excess of $150,000 in the span of 15 months not to mention the skills developed + mindset shifts for the better! The best thing you can invest into is yourself, and one of the best ways to to do is by finding a mentor!
New comment Jul 11
1 like • Jul 11
@Yousef Al-Dumaini I think ask yourself if they align with your values, and trust your gut. Remember, your mentor doesn't have to be perfect, if you can even take 1% from them, it will compound and aid in your growth!
0 likes • Jul 11
@Carmen Rojas Not every mentor will be perfect, but instead of focusing on the parts of how they burn you, if u can even take 1% from that person it will compound as you grow on your journey. Through every bad experiences comes a learning and opportunity to grow.
Don't Make the Mistake of Slowing Down...
One of the biggest mistakes in my journey so far was when I started to see my hard work compound into success... Was COMPLACENCY! For the first 6 months of launching my e-commerce business, I worked 12 hours a day consistently and stay dedicated to achieving my goals. I understood that the compound effect would take place if I stayed consistent + after 3 months I saw proof of the process. Within 6 months, I hit my first 10k month and was overjoyed at the progress and reaped the benefits of my hard work! At this point in time, I was so overjoyed and felt like I'd made it that I started to take my foot of the gas and started enjoying the fruits of my labour. This meant doing the bare minimum required, going from my 12 hour shifts to about 2-3 hours of work a day and enjoyed the money I made. Within 2 months time reality hit and suddenly I made 2k and the month after made 1.5k. I neglected my business, I started to become inconsistent, and so the compound effect of NOT putting the work in hit even faster than what it took to get to that point! Lesson Learnt: Don't take your foot of the gas when you start seeing success, build systems, invest into the business + focus on scaling rather than just 'chilling'!
New comment Jul 11
0 likes • Jul 11
@Boniface G- Michael Thanks bro! Appreciate u!
How to Use small Steps to make Achieving Your Big Goals Easy!
When you set a big goal, it can be a bit daunting + overwhelming as it seems so far away. For example, one of my goals by the end of 2024 is to hit 2000 followers on X! At the start of this year, I was on 200 followers and it felt like a long way away. Because of this doubt it led to me not taking any action as I had no plan to achieve the goals. Last month, I realised that in order to achieve my goal, I simply had to break it down into smaller steps and focus on what I could actually do everyday. So I studied creators a little bit ahead of me on X and saw that what they did was post 3 times a day and engage with other creators Tweets 20-30 times a day. So two weeks ago I created an actionable plan to do the following: - Schedule three posts a day at the exact same time. - Reply to 30 posts in my niche every single day. The results have been amazing with 80 new followers in the last two weeks (vs 114 total followers in the last 30 days.) I shared the image below: The lesson I learnt here is: - Reverse engineer your goals into smaller, actionable steps + the success you achieve on a micro level will bring you closer to achieving the large goal!
New comment Jul 11
How to Use small Steps to make Achieving Your Big Goals Easy!
1 like • Jul 6
@Loy Uso bless u for ur kind words man!
0 likes • Jul 11
@Kevin Gong Cheers Kevin!
Why failing is good!
I used to be really afraid of failing and I want to share how one experience changed my whole perspective (and life)! Back when I was working a 9-5 job, one of the reasons I never tried to start a new business was because I was scared of it not working out. My ego would not allow me to accept that failure is a part of life and part of that may have been due to school and university where the perception created was that failing an exam meant the end of the world. One day I spoke to my employer at one of my jobs who was a successful entrepreneur and asked him how he came to achieve such massive success... He simply told me, "Because I failed 100 times before I achieved success". This was when it clicked in my head, every failure was an opportunity to grow and learn. From that day on, I started my first side-hustle, and 3 business failures later, I was blessed to make my first $100,000 online in e-commerce! You simply have to take the concept of failure and swap it out for the word "learning". Once you accept that failure is just a synonym of learning then you're ready to go out there and take action. Ask yourself what the worst case scenario of failure is and then ask yourself, "Is it really that bad". I'd love to know what failure you've encountered in your life that you can flip into a learning? Please do share it with me in the comments!
New comment Jul 17
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Sal Jaffer
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