So, I wake up - (fell asleep at my desk) to the world on fire. The first thing I do is throw money at every single service that we have, after looking at logs - GHL is taking over 2 minutes for some calls to get us back data... its timing out. Not sure if this is for all GHL endpoints but this one stood out
Since blame always tends to get thrown our way, I figured we can share frustration as we wait over 3 minutes together for GHL to Get Contact - tried this on 3 different services, postman, buildship, requests and more.
Im building an internal contact structure so that we can bypass gohighlevel entirely when processing calls / messages and treat it more as an integration so we dont have to worry about things like this...
-- on it now, put in tickets with ghl if you have time - im oging to do the same
pls send redbull