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We Are All a Work In Progress... so "Be Better"
You want to be confident? You want to start reaching your goals? Confidence comes from the daily execution of the action steps necessary to move you forward. You may already know this, so lets first take a step back.... The moment you begin forgiving yourself for your prior mistakes or where you are in life (we are human - we all make them)...the sooner you start realizing that the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to take responsibility for where you are at and replace any negative feelings with honor and excitement for your future strength and future YOU.... is the moment that you can truly launch your life forward. I used to not believe I could "Be Better" This allowed for major health problems to increase in my life. I felt overwhelmed about the subtle and non-subtle symptoms of chronic inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, irritability, under-eating, thin hair, anxiety. I felt it had to BE my LIFE forever. Wanting better for myself felt lonely Wanting better for myself did not feel attainable because I did not feel like I had all the information to help myself in most areas... Then I realized that the main thing holding me back in my life was ME. Do you think that this is too blunt? So did I, until I realized that I am the most kind I can be to myself is when I raise my standards and commit to daily disciplines that supports my health, fitness, and mindset. Your greatness awaits your decision. Are you going to choose YOU? Are you going to honor YOU? Do you have the courage to call yourself out, and "Be Better"?
New comment Jul 2
Welcome in! Start here 👇
First: Book your free 1-1 Consultation here ACTION STEPS: - COMMENT "I AGREE" below this text as soon as you see this part [MANDATORY] - Introduce yourself and follow the prompt Introduce yourself below 1. What are your health/fitness/nutrition/mindset goals? 2. What kind of health and wellness topics do you want to learn more about in this community? 3. Describe a moment you felt joy in your life. RULES: - Remain respectful with all postings and comments Next, - Review the classroom content for effective health/fitness/nutrition/mindset content (publishing soon) - Comment the progress of your goals in the chat and send supportive replies to others! - Stay engaged with newly published content DISCLAIMER- The information contained in these videos, this group, and all documents are for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. You should always seek out the advice of your physician or otherwise qualified health care practitioner in regards to any questions you have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, health program, or other procedures discussed in these videos. All the doses or supplements that we talk about in this course are doses and supplements that we used to heal our bodies. Please do your own research regarding dosing, supplements, and all other modalities, don't take our word for it.
New comment Jul 20
Unparalleled Coaching
Kristen has inspired me to become the best version of myself when it comes to fitness and nutrition. Her winning formula is to make her clients understand their full potential. Not only issue the best coach in town, but the results truly speak for themselves. I attribute a lot of my recent gains in the gym to her coaching, and truly believe she has made an impact in my life in more ways than one.
New comment Jul 2
Monday Check In
Best way to get out of a rut! I used to find myself overwhelmed, and not wanting to care for my health or wellness. Sometimes I cared more than others and actually drank a little more water than normal. Then I would realize, I can’t find the energy to get out of my “rut”. Here is way to start: Take a notepad out. Write down the things that you care about. When you realize that you need to be able to have a well functioning body to achieve those dreams and goals, then you will realize that investing time in your health is important.
Goal Setting
Goals can be really fun to have if you make them. What are your personal health and fitness goals for this month?
New comment 5d ago
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BoldForge: Pain Into Strength
Increasing your mental toughness and resilience while learning how to make health and wellness a priority in your life.
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